Andreas Wöckl
Hi group!
We are currently trying to port an access 97 application to access 2002 with
sql server (ADP-Project). I am now qustioning myself whether there is a
possibility to access an sql server with the dao statement:
Dim db As Database
Dim sql
Dim snap As snapshot
Set db = CurrentDb()
sql = "select * from anything"
Set snap = db.CreateSnapshot(sql)
Anyone an idea whether I could use pieces of code like that in an adp
without porting?
best regards
andreas wöckl
We are currently trying to port an access 97 application to access 2002 with
sql server (ADP-Project). I am now qustioning myself whether there is a
possibility to access an sql server with the dao statement:
Dim db As Database
Dim sql
Dim snap As snapshot
Set db = CurrentDb()
sql = "select * from anything"
Set snap = db.CreateSnapshot(sql)
Anyone an idea whether I could use pieces of code like that in an adp
without porting?
best regards
andreas wöckl