phd4212 -
Take a look at all the date functions - they can do a lot for you. The
basic way to group data by week based on a date would be something like this:
SELECT DatePart("ww",[YourDate]) AS WeekNumber, Sum(YourNumericField) AS
SumOfData, Count(YourPrimaryKey) AS CountOfRecords
FROM YourTableName
GROUP BY DatePart("ww",[ReadDate]);
This will give you the week number of the year. If you are crossing years,
you may want to include the year with it, something like this:
SELECT Year([YourDate]) & "_" & DatePart("ww",[YourDate]) AS WeekNumber,
Sum(YourNumericField) AS SumOfData, Count(YourPrimaryKey) AS CountOfRecords
FROM YourTableName
GROUP BY Year([YourDate]) & "_" & DatePart("ww",[ReadDate]);
Start with something like this, using your table and fieldnames. If you run
into issues, post your SQL and let us know what isn't working.