Daylight Savings Time (DST) error


Ed DeGani

I live in Califirnia (pacific time zone) and use Vista Ultimate. Recently, my
system clock was automatically changed based on the old DST schedule. I
thought the correct patch was included in Vista so, how come? And, how can I
fix it? I already tried downloading the patch from the Microsoft's Updtes
site but was told that the patch is not required for my system...
Help would be greatly appreciated,
(Note: this is a second message with the same question. The first didn't
seem to go through because the site was "busy". If it did go through, I
appologize for repeating it)

Ed DeGani

Thank you! This is the same site where I went to download an update and,
after installing it, I was told it is ot applicable to my system. So, I am
Thanks again,

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