Charlie said:
Thanks for the response. I already tried the TZEdit.exe utility and it's
working either.
<Much snipped for clarity>
Charlie, I'm not sure what you mean by the "utility ... not working either,"
but as I said earlier this is a two-step process -- it's not as clear cut as
we might like. The link to the IBM site with directions is correct, but not
altogether simple. I have extracted the applicable part that describes what
I mean by "two-step process." Pay especial attention to the second part,
steps 3 and 4, that requires you to change from your time zone to a
different one and then back again.
Apply the tzedit.exe process to your systems:
1.. Exit out of applications.
2.. Run the executable tzedit.exe using Start > Run, provide the full
path, for example: c:\Program Files\TZEdit\tzedit.exe
3.. Your current time zone should be highlighted. Click the Edit button.
4.. Set Start Day to Second Sunday, March.
5.. Set Last Day to First Sunday, November.
6.. Click OK.
7.. Click Close.
You need to change your time zone twice using the Windows Date and Time
Control Panel.
1.. From the Start menu, click Settings > Control Panel and then click
Date and Time.
2.. Click the Time Zone tab.
3.. Select a different time zone and click Apply.
4.. Now, select your time zone and click Apply, then click OK.
5.. Restart your applications.
============= End of Instructions ===============
Ken Bland