I have a table with two fields: id and date (dd/mm/yyyy
format). I need to write a query that counts id for
Monday, Tuesday, . How can I do that?
Create a Query based on the table, and include a calculated field:
DayOfWeek: Weekday([Date])
This will have 1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday, and so on. If you want to
see the day name include a second calculated field
DayName: Format([Date], "dddd")
Change it to a Totals query by clicking the Greek Sigma icon (like a
sideways W); Group By DayOfWeek and DayName, and use Count as the
totals function for ID.
You may also want to add the [Date] field to the query, change its
Total function to WHERE, and put a criterion
BETWEEN [Enter start date:] AND [Enter end date:]
in order to limit the count to a particular week or other range of