I have got two DateTimePicker's on my form to accept a
guest arrival date and departure date.what i want to
acheieve is ensure that the DateTimePicker2 (departure)
is always greater than DateTimePicker1 (arrival date).
can anyone help me on the code for this? as u can tell,
im new learner.
i also want the days between the arrival date and
deparure date to be displayed in a 'length of stay
textbox'. i.e 2 nights stay.
or i want it so if they select a arrival date and enter 3
nights stay in the 'length of stay textbox' to adjust the
departure date automatically. Is this possible. can any
one help me on this coding or point me in the right
direction for any useful reasources.
I have got two DateTimePicker's on my form to accept a
guest arrival date and departure date.what i want to
acheieve is ensure that the DateTimePicker2 (departure)
is always greater than DateTimePicker1 (arrival date).
can anyone help me on the code for this? as u can tell,
im new learner.
i also want the days between the arrival date and
deparure date to be displayed in a 'length of stay
textbox'. i.e 2 nights stay.
or i want it so if they select a arrival date and enter 3
nights stay in the 'length of stay textbox' to adjust the
departure date automatically. Is this possible. can any
one help me on this coding or point me in the right
direction for any useful reasources.