Nick Chakarov
Here is the problem I discovered resently. Any idea how to go around?
in order to repeat behaviour the date has to be between 1 and 9. No problem
with 2 digits date.
Let's assume it is June 6, 2006
string s = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMdyyyyhhmmtt");
// now s looks like "Jun620061220PM"
// now trying to convert back the same string with the same format throws
DateTime d = DateTime.ParseExact(s, "MMMdyyyyhhmmtt", whatever current
culture is ...)
does not make a lot of sense, does it? I mean if A=B that why B!=A
in order to repeat behaviour the date has to be between 1 and 9. No problem
with 2 digits date.
Let's assume it is June 6, 2006
string s = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMdyyyyhhmmtt");
// now s looks like "Jun620061220PM"
// now trying to convert back the same string with the same format throws
DateTime d = DateTime.ParseExact(s, "MMMdyyyyhhmmtt", whatever current
culture is ...)
does not make a lot of sense, does it? I mean if A=B that why B!=A