I am having difficulty with the date time parse method:
System.IFormatProvider format = new CultureInfo("en-
GB", true);
DateTime dateActive = DateTime.Parse
throw new Exception("Unable to recognise date/time
values: use format 'dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm'");
It works ok on some machines but not others as it
interchanges UK for US style dates, so 14/07/03 for
fourteenth of July is misterpreted as fourteenth month
and 3/7/03 as 7th March. Why is this when I have
specified an 'en-GB' cultureInfo?
I have checked the date format settings in the Regional
and Language Options of control panel and they are ok.
I am having difficulty with the date time parse method:
System.IFormatProvider format = new CultureInfo("en-
GB", true);
DateTime dateActive = DateTime.Parse
throw new Exception("Unable to recognise date/time
values: use format 'dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm'");
It works ok on some machines but not others as it
interchanges UK for US style dates, so 14/07/03 for
fourteenth of July is misterpreted as fourteenth month
and 3/7/03 as 7th March. Why is this when I have
specified an 'en-GB' cultureInfo?
I have checked the date format settings in the Regional
and Language Options of control panel and they are ok.