datetime calculation HELP !!!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter steve
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I get data that is mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss. I need to figure the
hours between two dates and times (like a begin date and
end date)to see how many hours were spent performing a
=A1-A2 where A1 holds end and A2 start, custom format
[h]:mm to make hours roll over 24
to get the hours & the sum of in a column =HOUR((SUM(F118:F122)))
to get the hours & the sum of in a column =MINUTE((SUM(F118:F122)))
puttting it together for totals minutes

This will give the totals hours & minutes in decimal for =(I118*(1/60)) that
you can use to find the amount in dollars
NOTE: replace the column/row numbers with yours.

Wayne B