Armin: Monitoring is what we are doing. When you are involved that's all
we usually need to do. <g>
Trapulo: This certainly looks like a bug to me. As Armin said, New Date
always returns 1/1/01 in the command window.
I've submitted a bug report to the product team. If they concur, the bug
will be prioritized and hopefully fixed.
Thank you for choosing the MSDN Managed Newsgroups,
John Eikanger
Microsoft Developer Support
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no warranties, and confers no rights.
| From: "Armin Zingler" <
[email protected]>
| Subject: Re: dateteime subtract strange value
| Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 11:27:39 +0100
| Lines: 31
| Newsgroups: microsoft.public.dotnet.languages.vb
| >
| > | > > > >
| > > You are right. Can reproduce it here. Problem is: "New date(2000,
| > > 1, 1)" does _not_ return 1/1/2000. Instead it returns 1/1/0001. But
| > > only in the debugger (also when viewing "New date(2000, 1, 1)" in
| > > the quick watch window), not when executed in code. I'm still
| > > trying to find out why...
| >
| > That's right. It think is a bug of VS.Studio (where is MS people in
| > this newsgroup?).
| They are here.

I believe this is a managed group, so they are
| it - maybe someone will answer in the next few days.
| Maybe you can also post it to the microsoft.public.vsnet.debugging or
| microsoft.public.vsnet.ide group (don't know which one, probably the first
| is more appropriate). I've already received an answer there from MSFT
| that forwarded an issue to the development team, so I think there is a
| chance to get an answer there.
| --
| Armin