G Gord Dibben Nov 19, 2003 #2 Jim You're a little short on details here. What are you looking for? You can enter a date into a cell by entering 12/6/2003 or 12-6-03 You can then format that to be December 6, 2003 or similar. You can enter the number 37943 and format to a date. That number would be November 18, 2003 For more on Dates and how Excel stores them see Chip Pearson's website at http://www.cpearson.com/excel/datetime.htm#SerialDates Gord Dibben XL2002
Jim You're a little short on details here. What are you looking for? You can enter a date into a cell by entering 12/6/2003 or 12-6-03 You can then format that to be December 6, 2003 or similar. You can enter the number 37943 and format to a date. That number would be November 18, 2003 For more on Dates and how Excel stores them see Chip Pearson's website at http://www.cpearson.com/excel/datetime.htm#SerialDates Gord Dibben XL2002