Dates pasted to new workbook off by 4 years & 1 day

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Strange Excel behavior

I have a billing template I created in Excel that works
perfectly and has for several years. Today I copied a
worksheet derived from that template and pasted it into a
new workbook. All text, numerical values and formulae
copied correctly but every date came across as four years
and one day earlier, i.e., 5/12/2004 copied to the new
sheet as 5/10/2000. The same thing occurs with every
statement derived from this template.

Copy and paste within the statements functions properly.
Copy and paste within a new workbook functions properly,
as does the NOW() function within the statements and
within new workbooks.
Dates copied from a new workbook and pasted into another
new book work correctly.

NOW() copied from a statement into a new book functions
NOW() copied from a statement and paste special/values
exhibits the above malfunction.

Please help - I'm going nuts here...

Language Neutral
Created Sunday, November 17, 1996, 12:00:00 AM
Modified Sunday, November 17, 1996, 12:00:00 AM
Location C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office
Size 5.33 MB (5,599,504 bytes)
Size on disk 5.34 MB (5,603,328 bytes)

Purchased with MS Office Pro 97
Norton updated today reports no infections.
There are no macros on the template.
Dates copied from the File INVOICE.XLT that came with
Office Pro work when pasted into a new sheet.

Different date system, workbook created with 1904 system and
pasted into workbook with the 1900 system. Either change the
date system under tools>options>calculations or put 1462 in an empty cell,
copy it, select the date and do edit>paste special, add


Peo Sjoblom

(No private emails please, for everyone's
benefit keep the discussion in the newsgroup/forum)
XL has 2 date systems, the 1900 date system (the Windows default
system), and the 1904 date system (Mac default). Due to an error in the
1900 system, the difference between them is 4 years and 1 day, rather
than 4 years.

In order to transfer values from a workbook using one format to a
workbook using the other, change both books to the same system by
checking or unchecking the 1904 Date system checkbox in the
Tools/Options/Calculation dialog.