Dates in a listbox connected to a form...

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Good morning,

Here is something I'm tryng to do, but can't seem to get a handle on. I am
hoping for some direction.

I have the following things listed in a listbox: today, this week, this
month, last week, last month, custom

I want to be able to click on THISWEEK and have all the records for this
week to show up on my form.

It is a projects table where our employees log in the hours they have spent
on a project. I need them to be able to see the data by the choices above.

ALSO: how would I create a CUSTOM set of data? Click on CUSTOM, some sort
of boxes appear where I could type in the 2 dates and everything between
those dates would show up on the form.

I've tried queries, but I'm just not getting it. I understand the logic
behind it, but just not how to get it done. I'm a novice Access user, so
please be gentle in your help and explainations !!

Thank you so much.

To begin with, I would add two textboxes on the form (called, say, txtDateFm
and txtDateTo, formatted as date - same format as the date field in the
table), and set their Visible property to No in form design. These will be
used for holding the from and to dates, populated by the listbox (while
still invisible) on every other choice, and made visible to be filled
manually when custom is selected.

The query for the records would reference these two text boxes in its
criterion on the date field, like:
= Forms![Form Name]![txtDateFm] and <= Forms![Form Name]![txtDateTo]

I would use the double click event of the listbox (assumed name List0) to
calculate the dates and requery the subform (assumed name: Subform1) with
the records. Of course, when custom is selected, the user has to enter the
dates and then somehow requery the subform. For this I would use a command
button (called Command2 in my sample code, caption something like Refresh or
Get Data, also hidden in the form design) which is toggled between visible
and invisible together with the textboxes.

Here's the code behind the Command2 button:

Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub

And, finally, here's the code behind the listbox's double click event:

Private Sub List0_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Select Case Me.List0
Case "Today"
Me.txtDateFm = Date
Me.txtDateTo = Date
Case "This Week"
dt = Date
If Weekday(dt, 3) = 7 Then dt = dt + 7
Me.txtDateFm = dt - Weekday(dt, 3)
Me.txtDateTo = dt - Weekday(dt, 3) + 6
Case "This Month"
Select Case Month(Date)
Case 12
y1 = Year(Date)
m1 = Month(Date)
y2 = y1 + 1
m2 = 1
Case Else
y1 = Year(Date)
m1 = Month(Date)
y2 = y1
m2 = m1 + 1
End Select
Me.txtDateFm = DateSerial(y1, m1, 1)
Me.txtDateTo = DateSerial(y2, m2, 1) - 1
Case "Last Week"
dt = Date
If Weekday(dt, 3) = 7 Then dt = dt + 7
Me.txtDateFm = dt - Weekday(dt, 3) - 7
Me.txtDateTo = dt - Weekday(dt, 3) - 1
Case "Last Month"
Select Case Month(Date)
Case 1
y1 = Year(Date) - 1
m1 = 12
y2 = y1 + 1
m2 = 1
Case Else
y1 = Year(Date)
m1 = Month(Date) - 1
y2 = y1
m2 = m1 + 1
End Select
Me.txtDateFm = DateSerial(y1, m1, 1)
Me.txtDateTo = DateSerial(y2, m2, 1) - 1
Case "Custom"
Me.txtDateFm = Null
Me.txtDateTo = Null
Me.txtDateFm.Visible = True
Me.txtDateTo.Visible = True
Me.Command2.Visible = True
GoTo skip_hide
End Select

Me.txtDateFm.Visible = False
Me.txtDateTo.Visible = False
Me.Command2.Visible = False

End Sub

Don't forget to change the object names to your real names!

Good evening Nikos,

I just want you to know that my jaw is laying on the floor !! Your help and
code did EXACTLY what I was wanting to do. Thank you thank you thank you.

I didn't understand most of it, but I spent part of yesterday and most of
today figuring it out and it works GREAT !!! It was the query that gave me
the most trouble. But then again, I usually have the most trouble with

I appreciate you and the many others that frequent this board and help those
of us who are lost. I live in rural Maine with no opportunity to take a
class in Access, so this board has been a wonderful learning experience.

I'm going to see if I can incorporate a drop down calendar on the Custom
date from and to. I've researched it here and know that it can be done.

Any additional help you can offer will be most appreciated with regards to
the calendar.

Thank you again for sharing your skills and knowledge. It really means
something to me.

RusCat said:

I am completely flabbergasted at the detail of your reply. Thank you so
much for taking the time and effort to help me. I appreciate it very much.

To be honest, I don't understand all of it, but I'm going to begin trying to
dissect it this evening and see where I get.

I hope you will continue to be available for additional questions, which I
will undoubtedly have !!

Thank you again.

Nikos Yannacopoulos said:

To begin with, I would add two textboxes on the form (called, say, txtDateFm
and txtDateTo, formatted as date - same format as the date field in the
table), and set their Visible property to No in form design. These will be
used for holding the from and to dates, populated by the listbox (while
still invisible) on every other choice, and made visible to be filled
manually when custom is selected.

The query for the records would reference these two text boxes in its
criterion on the date field, like:
= Forms![Form Name]![txtDateFm] and <= Forms![Form Name]![txtDateTo]

I would use the double click event of the listbox (assumed name List0) to
calculate the dates and requery the subform (assumed name: Subform1) with
the records. Of course, when custom is selected, the user has to enter the
dates and then somehow requery the subform. For this I would use a command
button (called Command2 in my sample code, caption something like Refresh or
Get Data, also hidden in the form design) which is toggled between visible
and invisible together with the textboxes.

Here's the code behind the Command2 button:

Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub

And, finally, here's the code behind the listbox's double click event:

Private Sub List0_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Select Case Me.List0
Case "Today"
Me.txtDateFm = Date
Me.txtDateTo = Date
Case "This Week"
dt = Date
If Weekday(dt, 3) = 7 Then dt = dt + 7
Me.txtDateFm = dt - Weekday(dt, 3)
Me.txtDateTo = dt - Weekday(dt, 3) + 6
Case "This Month"
Select Case Month(Date)
Case 12
y1 = Year(Date)
m1 = Month(Date)
y2 = y1 + 1
m2 = 1
Case Else
y1 = Year(Date)
m1 = Month(Date)
y2 = y1
m2 = m1 + 1
End Select
Me.txtDateFm = DateSerial(y1, m1, 1)
Me.txtDateTo = DateSerial(y2, m2, 1) - 1
Case "Last Week"
dt = Date
If Weekday(dt, 3) = 7 Then dt = dt + 7
Me.txtDateFm = dt - Weekday(dt, 3) - 7
Me.txtDateTo = dt - Weekday(dt, 3) - 1
Case "Last Month"
Select Case Month(Date)
Case 1
y1 = Year(Date) - 1
m1 = 12
y2 = y1 + 1
m2 = 1
Case Else
y1 = Year(Date)
m1 = Month(Date) - 1
y2 = y1
m2 = m1 + 1
End Select
Me.txtDateFm = DateSerial(y1, m1, 1)
Me.txtDateTo = DateSerial(y2, m2, 1) - 1
Case "Custom"
Me.txtDateFm = Null
Me.txtDateTo = Null
Me.txtDateFm.Visible = True
Me.txtDateTo.Visible = True
Me.Command2.Visible = True
GoTo skip_hide
End Select

Me.txtDateFm.Visible = False
Me.txtDateTo.Visible = False
Me.Command2.Visible = False

End Sub

Don't forget to change the object names to your real names!


RusCat said:
Good morning,

Here is something I'm tryng to do, but can't seem to get a handle on. I am
hoping for some direction.

I have the following things listed in a listbox: today, this week, this
month, last week, last month, custom

I want to be able to click on THISWEEK and have all the records for this
week to show up on my form.

It is a projects table where our employees log in the hours they have spent
on a project. I need them to be able to see the data by the choices above.

ALSO: how would I create a CUSTOM set of data? Click on CUSTOM, some sort
of boxes appear where I could type in the 2 dates and everything between
those dates would show up on the form.

I've tried queries, but I'm just not getting it. I understand the logic
behind it, but just not how to get it done. I'm a novice Access user, so
please be gentle in your help and explainations !!

Thank you so much.

Glad I could help. Not a big believer in classes, I'm self-taught in most
everything I do with a computer (and when I got my first PC back in '87 the
internet was practically unheard of!). Anyway...

On the drop-down calendar: there are two approaches:
1. You can use the Date and Time Picker active X control instead of
textboxes. You can set their value in code just like the textboxes, but you
can't set them to Null for Custom; they have to have a value, so you would
set them to, say, current date instead, as a basis for the user to start
from. Also, because the DTPicker has a time part as well, even though you
don't see it, you would have to use an Int() function on the control
references in the query criteria, so as to get "clean"dates, without the
hour part (date/time in Access is actually a number, 0 being Dec.31, 1899,
the integer part being the date, and the decimal part being the time).

2. You can leave the textboxes as they are and use their double-click event
to pop-up a separate form with a Calendar active X control on it, to select
a date and return it to the textbox on the main form, while the date can
still be typed in if desired. Also, the calendar control has no time part,
so no bneed to worry about that, and you can still Null the textboxes for
Custom. Incidentally, I answered a post on thi this very subject yesterday,
I have the "how-to" ready! Here it goes:

The calendar control is on a separate form, opened by the double-click (or
click?) event of the text boxes. I'll assume the following names in my
example, and you'll have to change to the real ones:

Form with calendar: frmCalendar
Calendar control: ActiveXCtl1

The code behind the double-click event of the text boxes must be something

Private Sub txtDateFm_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
ctrl = Me.Name & "*" & Me.ActiveControl.Name
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmCalendar", , , stLinkCriteria, , , ctrl
Forms!frmCalendar!ActiveXCtl1 = Date
End Sub

(same for txtDateTo)

This way, you are passing the form and control names (separated by a *) as
an opening argument to frmCalendar.

The code behind the click event of the calendar should be something like:

Private Sub ActiveXCtl1_Click()
sep = InStr(1, OpenArgs, "*")
frm = Left(OpenArgs, sep - 1)
ctl = Right(OpenArgs, Len(OpenArgs) - sep)
Forms(frm).Controls(ctl) = Me.ActiveXCtl1

End Sub

This will work with different forms as well!

If you go for option 2, play around with the properties on Format tab for
the form to get rid of record selector, navigation buttons, control box etc
wich are meaningless in this case. In either case, to put an ActiveX control
on a form, go Insert > ActiveX control.

Good luck!

RusCat said:
Good evening Nikos,

I just want you to know that my jaw is laying on the floor !! Your help and
code did EXACTLY what I was wanting to do. Thank you thank you thank you.

I didn't understand most of it, but I spent part of yesterday and most of
today figuring it out and it works GREAT !!! It was the query that gave me
the most trouble. But then again, I usually have the most trouble with

I appreciate you and the many others that frequent this board and help those
of us who are lost. I live in rural Maine with no opportunity to take a
class in Access, so this board has been a wonderful learning experience.

I'm going to see if I can incorporate a drop down calendar on the Custom
date from and to. I've researched it here and know that it can be done.

Any additional help you can offer will be most appreciated with regards to
the calendar.

Thank you again for sharing your skills and knowledge. It really means
something to me.

RusCat said:

I am completely flabbergasted at the detail of your reply. Thank you so
much for taking the time and effort to help me. I appreciate it very much.

To be honest, I don't understand all of it, but I'm going to begin trying to
dissect it this evening and see where I get.

I hope you will continue to be available for additional questions, which I
will undoubtedly have !!

Thank you again.

Nikos Yannacopoulos said:

To begin with, I would add two textboxes on the form (called, say, txtDateFm
and txtDateTo, formatted as date - same format as the date field in the
table), and set their Visible property to No in form design. These will be
used for holding the from and to dates, populated by the listbox (while
still invisible) on every other choice, and made visible to be filled
manually when custom is selected.

The query for the records would reference these two text boxes in its
criterion on the date field, like:

= Forms![Form Name]![txtDateFm] and <= Forms![Form Name]![txtDateTo]

I would use the double click event of the listbox (assumed name List0) to
calculate the dates and requery the subform (assumed name: Subform1) with
the records. Of course, when custom is selected, the user has to enter the
dates and then somehow requery the subform. For this I would use a command
button (called Command2 in my sample code, caption something like Refresh or
Get Data, also hidden in the form design) which is toggled between visible
and invisible together with the textboxes.

Here's the code behind the Command2 button:

Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub

And, finally, here's the code behind the listbox's double click event:

Private Sub List0_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Select Case Me.List0
Case "Today"
Me.txtDateFm = Date
Me.txtDateTo = Date
Case "This Week"
dt = Date
If Weekday(dt, 3) = 7 Then dt = dt + 7
Me.txtDateFm = dt - Weekday(dt, 3)
Me.txtDateTo = dt - Weekday(dt, 3) + 6
Case "This Month"
Select Case Month(Date)
Case 12
y1 = Year(Date)
m1 = Month(Date)
y2 = y1 + 1
m2 = 1
Case Else
y1 = Year(Date)
m1 = Month(Date)
y2 = y1
m2 = m1 + 1
End Select
Me.txtDateFm = DateSerial(y1, m1, 1)
Me.txtDateTo = DateSerial(y2, m2, 1) - 1
Case "Last Week"
dt = Date
If Weekday(dt, 3) = 7 Then dt = dt + 7
Me.txtDateFm = dt - Weekday(dt, 3) - 7
Me.txtDateTo = dt - Weekday(dt, 3) - 1
Case "Last Month"
Select Case Month(Date)
Case 1
y1 = Year(Date) - 1
m1 = 12
y2 = y1 + 1
m2 = 1
Case Else
y1 = Year(Date)
m1 = Month(Date) - 1
y2 = y1
m2 = m1 + 1
End Select
Me.txtDateFm = DateSerial(y1, m1, 1)
Me.txtDateTo = DateSerial(y2, m2, 1) - 1
Case "Custom"
Me.txtDateFm = Null
Me.txtDateTo = Null
Me.txtDateFm.Visible = True
Me.txtDateTo.Visible = True
Me.Command2.Visible = True
GoTo skip_hide
End Select

Me.txtDateFm.Visible = False
Me.txtDateTo.Visible = False
Me.Command2.Visible = False

End Sub

Don't forget to change the object names to your real names!


Good morning,

Here is something I'm tryng to do, but can't seem to get a handle on. I
hoping for some direction.

I have the following things listed in a listbox: today, this week, this
month, last week, last month, custom

I want to be able to click on THISWEEK and have all the records for this
week to show up on my form.

It is a projects table where our employees log in the hours they have
on a project. I need them to be able to see the data by the choices

ALSO: how would I create a CUSTOM set of data? Click on CUSTOM, some
of boxes appear where I could type in the 2 dates and everything between
those dates would show up on the form.

I've tried queries, but I'm just not getting it. I understand the logic
behind it, but just not how to get it done. I'm a novice Access user, so
please be gentle in your help and explainations !!

Thank you so much.
Wow Nikos !

I used to be self taught, years and years ago. I used to program in dbase
and in Clipper. Before the windows environment was around. I did some great
stuff and really enjoyed the 'puzzle' aspect of programming. Working to
figure out how to make something work. I just taught myself by trial and
error. THEN.... I had kids and my brain turned to mush!! Things have
changed ALOT in the last 10 or 12 years. I'm enjoying the challenge again
now that my youngest is in school all day.

This is helping me SO much. Not only is it solving a problem but it is
teaching me SO much. Your directions are clear and easy to follow.

What you explained is working well. I finally got everything in the right
place and it is doing what I wanted it to do !! Mostly.

I have some questions about the actual operations:

1. Does it matter whether the code is behind the Click or DoubleClick? One
click seems to work best for me, but if that is not the correct way to set
things up, then I'll stay with DClick.

2. Can the event for the Listbox also be just Click?

3. I did go with option 2 and played around with the format stuff - very
cool. Can I tell it somehow exactly where I want the calendar to appear?

4. When the calendar does appear, I click on a date (which appears in the
textbox), but the calendar does not disappear. How do I make it do that?

5. Can I put the exact same code in the OnEnter event for the Listbox?
That way you can select the item by clicking or entering?

6. I've done something wrong with the textboxes.... Click the first box,
calendar appears, click date, date goes to first textbox. Click second box,
calendar appears, click date, date ALSO goes to the first textbox. I checked
the code and I have the right names. Where might I be going wrong?

Well, 6 problems/questions is enough for right now. thanks again for the
Nikos Yannacopoulos said:

Glad I could help. Not a big believer in classes, I'm self-taught in most
everything I do with a computer (and when I got my first PC back in '87 the
internet was practically unheard of!). Anyway...

On the drop-down calendar: there are two approaches:
1. You can use the Date and Time Picker active X control instead of
textboxes. You can set their value in code just like the textboxes, but you
can't set them to Null for Custom; they have to have a value, so you would
set them to, say, current date instead, as a basis for the user to start
from. Also, because the DTPicker has a time part as well, even though you
don't see it, you would have to use an Int() function on the control
references in the query criteria, so as to get "clean"dates, without the
hour part (date/time in Access is actually a number, 0 being Dec.31, 1899,
the integer part being the date, and the decimal part being the time).

2. You can leave the textboxes as they are and use their double-click event
to pop-up a separate form with a Calendar active X control on it, to select
a date and return it to the textbox on the main form, while the date can
still be typed in if desired. Also, the calendar control has no time part,
so no bneed to worry about that, and you can still Null the textboxes for
Custom. Incidentally, I answered a post on thi this very subject yesterday,
I have the "how-to" ready! Here it goes:

The calendar control is on a separate form, opened by the double-click (or
click?) event of the text boxes. I'll assume the following names in my
example, and you'll have to change to the real ones:

Form with calendar: frmCalendar
Calendar control: ActiveXCtl1

The code behind the double-click event of the text boxes must be something

Private Sub txtDateFm_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
ctrl = Me.Name & "*" & Me.ActiveControl.Name
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmCalendar", , , stLinkCriteria, , , ctrl
Forms!frmCalendar!ActiveXCtl1 = Date
End Sub

(same for txtDateTo)

This way, you are passing the form and control names (separated by a *) as
an opening argument to frmCalendar.

The code behind the click event of the calendar should be something like:

Private Sub ActiveXCtl1_Click()
sep = InStr(1, OpenArgs, "*")
frm = Left(OpenArgs, sep - 1)
ctl = Right(OpenArgs, Len(OpenArgs) - sep)
Forms(frm).Controls(ctl) = Me.ActiveXCtl1

End Sub

This will work with different forms as well!

If you go for option 2, play around with the properties on Format tab for
the form to get rid of record selector, navigation buttons, control box etc
wich are meaningless in this case. In either case, to put an ActiveX control
on a form, go Insert > ActiveX control.

Good luck!

RusCat said:
Good evening Nikos,

I just want you to know that my jaw is laying on the floor !! Your help and
code did EXACTLY what I was wanting to do. Thank you thank you thank you.

I didn't understand most of it, but I spent part of yesterday and most of
today figuring it out and it works GREAT !!! It was the query that gave me
the most trouble. But then again, I usually have the most trouble with

I appreciate you and the many others that frequent this board and help those
of us who are lost. I live in rural Maine with no opportunity to take a
class in Access, so this board has been a wonderful learning experience.

I'm going to see if I can incorporate a drop down calendar on the Custom
date from and to. I've researched it here and know that it can be done.

Any additional help you can offer will be most appreciated with regards to
the calendar.

Thank you again for sharing your skills and knowledge. It really means
something to me.

RusCat said:

I am completely flabbergasted at the detail of your reply. Thank you so
much for taking the time and effort to help me. I appreciate it very much.

To be honest, I don't understand all of it, but I'm going to begin trying to
dissect it this evening and see where I get.

I hope you will continue to be available for additional questions, which I
will undoubtedly have !!

Thank you again.



To begin with, I would add two textboxes on the form (called, say, txtDateFm
and txtDateTo, formatted as date - same format as the date field in the
table), and set their Visible property to No in form design. These will be
used for holding the from and to dates, populated by the listbox (while
still invisible) on every other choice, and made visible to be filled
manually when custom is selected.

The query for the records would reference these two text boxes in its
criterion on the date field, like:

= Forms![Form Name]![txtDateFm] and <= Forms![Form Name]![txtDateTo]

I would use the double click event of the listbox (assumed name List0) to
calculate the dates and requery the subform (assumed name: Subform1) with
the records. Of course, when custom is selected, the user has to enter the
dates and then somehow requery the subform. For this I would use a command
button (called Command2 in my sample code, caption something like Refresh or
Get Data, also hidden in the form design) which is toggled between visible
and invisible together with the textboxes.

Here's the code behind the Command2 button:

Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub

And, finally, here's the code behind the listbox's double click event:

Private Sub List0_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Select Case Me.List0
Case "Today"
Me.txtDateFm = Date
Me.txtDateTo = Date
Case "This Week"
dt = Date
If Weekday(dt, 3) = 7 Then dt = dt + 7
Me.txtDateFm = dt - Weekday(dt, 3)
Me.txtDateTo = dt - Weekday(dt, 3) + 6
Case "This Month"
Select Case Month(Date)
Case 12
y1 = Year(Date)
m1 = Month(Date)
y2 = y1 + 1
m2 = 1
Case Else
y1 = Year(Date)
m1 = Month(Date)
y2 = y1
m2 = m1 + 1
End Select
Me.txtDateFm = DateSerial(y1, m1, 1)
Me.txtDateTo = DateSerial(y2, m2, 1) - 1
Case "Last Week"
dt = Date
If Weekday(dt, 3) = 7 Then dt = dt + 7
Me.txtDateFm = dt - Weekday(dt, 3) - 7
Me.txtDateTo = dt - Weekday(dt, 3) - 1
Case "Last Month"
Select Case Month(Date)
Case 1
y1 = Year(Date) - 1
m1 = 12
y2 = y1 + 1
m2 = 1
Case Else
y1 = Year(Date)
m1 = Month(Date) - 1
y2 = y1
m2 = m1 + 1
End Select
Me.txtDateFm = DateSerial(y1, m1, 1)
Me.txtDateTo = DateSerial(y2, m2, 1) - 1
Case "Custom"
Me.txtDateFm = Null
Me.txtDateTo = Null
Me.txtDateFm.Visible = True
Me.txtDateTo.Visible = True
Me.Command2.Visible = True
GoTo skip_hide
End Select

Me.txtDateFm.Visible = False
Me.txtDateTo.Visible = False
Me.Command2.Visible = False

End Sub

Don't forget to change the object names to your real names!


Good morning,

Here is something I'm tryng to do, but can't seem to get a handle on. I
hoping for some direction.

I have the following things listed in a listbox: today, this week, this
month, last week, last month, custom

I want to be able to click on THISWEEK and have all the records for this
week to show up on my form.

It is a projects table where our employees log in the hours they have
on a project. I need them to be able to see the data by the choices

ALSO: how would I create a CUSTOM set of data? Click on CUSTOM, some
of boxes appear where I could type in the 2 dates and everything between
those dates would show up on the form.

I've tried queries, but I'm just not getting it. I understand the logic
behind it, but just not how to get it done. I'm a novice Access user, so
please be gentle in your help and explainations !!

Thank you so much.

1. No, it doesn't matter. It's just a question of preference. I go for
double because double is deliberate, single can be accidental or intended
just to set focus.

2. Yes. Again, to me, double click is deliberate, single can be accidental
(aimed at the row above or below).

3. I take it you mean position the calendar form on the screen? Yes, you
can. The method is:
DoCmd.MoveSize 1440, 1440
The numbers correspond to the vertical and horizontal distance of the upper
lefthand corner from the upper lefthand corner of the application window,
and are in twips (1/1440 of an inch). The method has two more optional
[, down][, width][, height]
that set the form's size.
If you want the form always placed at the same position, you can put this
command in the calendar form's On Open event. If, on the other hand, you
want it placed depending on the calling txtbox, you can put something like:
DoCmd.MoveSize 1440, 1440
after the DoCmd.OpenForm in the txtbox's event code. I use the SetFocus to
make sure the calendar form is the active one when the movesize is
executed, because by default it acts on the active window.

4. Add an extra line of code at the end of the procedure:
Private Sub ActiveXCtl1_Click()
sep = InStr(1, OpenArgs, "*")
frm = Left(OpenArgs, sep - 1)
ctl = Right(OpenArgs, Len(OpenArgs) - sep)
Forms(frm).Controls(ctl) = Me.ActiveXCtl1
End Sub

5. Yes, you can, but you will no longer be able to just enter and type in a
date. Again, a user interface decision.

6. I can think of: one possible reason: the form was already open from the
first textbox, because the calendar's click event didn't have the extra line
to close it, just hidden behind the main form when you manually set focus
back to the main one. If that's the case, when you double-click (or click)
the second textbox the calendar form reappears but it was already open, so
the OpenArgs are not passed again, thus still pointing to the From txtbox.
Had the calling textbox name been hardcoded in there I would suspect that,
but the way it is (retrieved by reference: Me.ActiveControl.Name) I don't
see how that could be, unless there's code preceding the snippet I gave you
that moves focus back to the From txtbox before the calendar form is opened;
very unlikely!


RusCat said:
Wow Nikos !

I used to be self taught, years and years ago. I used to program in dbase
and in Clipper. Before the windows environment was around. I did some great
stuff and really enjoyed the 'puzzle' aspect of programming. Working to
figure out how to make something work. I just taught myself by trial and
error. THEN.... I had kids and my brain turned to mush!! Things have
changed ALOT in the last 10 or 12 years. I'm enjoying the challenge again
now that my youngest is in school all day.

This is helping me SO much. Not only is it solving a problem but it is
teaching me SO much. Your directions are clear and easy to follow.

What you explained is working well. I finally got everything in the right
place and it is doing what I wanted it to do !! Mostly.

I have some questions about the actual operations:

1. Does it matter whether the code is behind the Click or DoubleClick? One
click seems to work best for me, but if that is not the correct way to set
things up, then I'll stay with DClick.

2. Can the event for the Listbox also be just Click?

3. I did go with option 2 and played around with the format stuff - very
cool. Can I tell it somehow exactly where I want the calendar to appear?

4. When the calendar does appear, I click on a date (which appears in the
textbox), but the calendar does not disappear. How do I make it do that?

5. Can I put the exact same code in the OnEnter event for the Listbox?
That way you can select the item by clicking or entering?

6. I've done something wrong with the textboxes.... Click the first box,
calendar appears, click date, date goes to first textbox. Click second box,
calendar appears, click date, date ALSO goes to the first textbox. I checked
the code and I have the right names. Where might I be going wrong?

Well, 6 problems/questions is enough for right now. thanks again for the
Nikos Yannacopoulos said:

Glad I could help. Not a big believer in classes, I'm self-taught in most
everything I do with a computer (and when I got my first PC back in '87 the
internet was practically unheard of!). Anyway...

On the drop-down calendar: there are two approaches:
1. You can use the Date and Time Picker active X control instead of
textboxes. You can set their value in code just like the textboxes, but you
can't set them to Null for Custom; they have to have a value, so you would
set them to, say, current date instead, as a basis for the user to start
from. Also, because the DTPicker has a time part as well, even though you
don't see it, you would have to use an Int() function on the control
references in the query criteria, so as to get "clean"dates, without the
hour part (date/time in Access is actually a number, 0 being Dec.31, 1899,
the integer part being the date, and the decimal part being the time).

2. You can leave the textboxes as they are and use their double-click event
to pop-up a separate form with a Calendar active X control on it, to select
a date and return it to the textbox on the main form, while the date can
still be typed in if desired. Also, the calendar control has no time part,
so no bneed to worry about that, and you can still Null the textboxes for
Custom. Incidentally, I answered a post on thi this very subject yesterday,
I have the "how-to" ready! Here it goes:

The calendar control is on a separate form, opened by the double-click (or
click?) event of the text boxes. I'll assume the following names in my
example, and you'll have to change to the real ones:

Form with calendar: frmCalendar
Calendar control: ActiveXCtl1

The code behind the double-click event of the text boxes must be something

Private Sub txtDateFm_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
ctrl = Me.Name & "*" & Me.ActiveControl.Name
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmCalendar", , , stLinkCriteria, , , ctrl
Forms!frmCalendar!ActiveXCtl1 = Date
End Sub

(same for txtDateTo)

This way, you are passing the form and control names (separated by a *) as
an opening argument to frmCalendar.

The code behind the click event of the calendar should be something like:

Private Sub ActiveXCtl1_Click()
sep = InStr(1, OpenArgs, "*")
frm = Left(OpenArgs, sep - 1)
ctl = Right(OpenArgs, Len(OpenArgs) - sep)
Forms(frm).Controls(ctl) = Me.ActiveXCtl1

End Sub

This will work with different forms as well!

If you go for option 2, play around with the properties on Format tab for
the form to get rid of record selector, navigation buttons, control box etc
wich are meaningless in this case. In either case, to put an ActiveX control
on a form, go Insert > ActiveX control.

Good luck!

RusCat said:
Good evening Nikos,

I just want you to know that my jaw is laying on the floor !! Your
code did EXACTLY what I was wanting to do. Thank you thank you thank you.

I didn't understand most of it, but I spent part of yesterday and most of
today figuring it out and it works GREAT !!! It was the query that
the most trouble. But then again, I usually have the most trouble with

I appreciate you and the many others that frequent this board and help those
of us who are lost. I live in rural Maine with no opportunity to take a
class in Access, so this board has been a wonderful learning experience.

I'm going to see if I can incorporate a drop down calendar on the Custom
date from and to. I've researched it here and know that it can be done.

Any additional help you can offer will be most appreciated with regards to
the calendar.

Thank you again for sharing your skills and knowledge. It really means
something to me.



I am completely flabbergasted at the detail of your reply. Thank you so
much for taking the time and effort to help me. I appreciate it
To be honest, I don't understand all of it, but I'm going to begin trying to
dissect it this evening and see where I get.

I hope you will continue to be available for additional questions,
will undoubtedly have !!

Thank you again.



To begin with, I would add two textboxes on the form (called, say, txtDateFm
and txtDateTo, formatted as date - same format as the date field
table), and set their Visible property to No in form design. These will be
used for holding the from and to dates, populated by the listbox (while
still invisible) on every other choice, and made visible to be filled
manually when custom is selected.

The query for the records would reference these two text boxes in its
criterion on the date field, like:

= Forms![Form Name]![txtDateFm] and <= Forms![Form Name]![txtDateTo]

I would use the double click event of the listbox (assumed name
calculate the dates and requery the subform (assumed name:
the records. Of course, when custom is selected, the user has to
dates and then somehow requery the subform. For this I would use a command
button (called Command2 in my sample code, caption something like Refresh or
Get Data, also hidden in the form design) which is toggled between visible
and invisible together with the textboxes.

Here's the code behind the Command2 button:

Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub

And, finally, here's the code behind the listbox's double click event:

Private Sub List0_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Select Case Me.List0
Case "Today"
Me.txtDateFm = Date
Me.txtDateTo = Date
Case "This Week"
dt = Date
If Weekday(dt, 3) = 7 Then dt = dt + 7
Me.txtDateFm = dt - Weekday(dt, 3)
Me.txtDateTo = dt - Weekday(dt, 3) + 6
Case "This Month"
Select Case Month(Date)
Case 12
y1 = Year(Date)
m1 = Month(Date)
y2 = y1 + 1
m2 = 1
Case Else
y1 = Year(Date)
m1 = Month(Date)
y2 = y1
m2 = m1 + 1
End Select
Me.txtDateFm = DateSerial(y1, m1, 1)
Me.txtDateTo = DateSerial(y2, m2, 1) - 1
Case "Last Week"
dt = Date
If Weekday(dt, 3) = 7 Then dt = dt + 7
Me.txtDateFm = dt - Weekday(dt, 3) - 7
Me.txtDateTo = dt - Weekday(dt, 3) - 1
Case "Last Month"
Select Case Month(Date)
Case 1
y1 = Year(Date) - 1
m1 = 12
y2 = y1 + 1
m2 = 1
Case Else
y1 = Year(Date)
m1 = Month(Date) - 1
y2 = y1
m2 = m1 + 1
End Select
Me.txtDateFm = DateSerial(y1, m1, 1)
Me.txtDateTo = DateSerial(y2, m2, 1) - 1
Case "Custom"
Me.txtDateFm = Null
Me.txtDateTo = Null
Me.txtDateFm.Visible = True
Me.txtDateTo.Visible = True
Me.Command2.Visible = True
GoTo skip_hide
End Select

Me.txtDateFm.Visible = False
Me.txtDateTo.Visible = False
Me.Command2.Visible = False

End Sub

Don't forget to change the object names to your real names!


Good morning,

Here is something I'm tryng to do, but can't seem to get a
on. I
hoping for some direction.

I have the following things listed in a listbox: today, this
month, last week, last month, custom

I want to be able to click on THISWEEK and have all the records
week to show up on my form.

It is a projects table where our employees log in the hours they have
on a project. I need them to be able to see the data by the choices

ALSO: how would I create a CUSTOM set of data? Click on
of boxes appear where I could type in the 2 dates and everything between
those dates would show up on the form.

I've tried queries, but I'm just not getting it. I understand
behind it, but just not how to get it done. I'm a novice Access user, so
please be gentle in your help and explainations !!

Thank you so much.
Good evening Nikos,

I hope you are having a nice weekend. The weather here in Maine was great
today, but they are forecasting snow for tomorrow! I do love winter.

Your answers to my questions were, as always, very helpful. I'm really
beginning to get the hang of what stuff means and even the whys.

With regards to question #3 and your answer. I thought I understood what
you wrote, but I can't get anything to work.

I did mean the position of the calendar, but within the form, not the
screen. You said "if you want it placed depending on the calling txtbox, you
can put something like :
Forms("frmCalendar").Set forcus
DoCmd.moveSize 1440, 1440
After the DoCmd.OpenForm in teh txtbox's event code."

Can you clarify for me exactly where to put it.

I would like the calendar to be "attached" or "anchored" to the txtbox. If
I move the form around the calendar stays stationary. Does that make sense?
Is that possible?

Also, something related back to the listbox: How can I make the "list" drop
down below the box when I move my curser there. Now the list just scrolls in
the box I made, but I see other lists that drop down and then the user can
click on their selection.

Thanks again for the great direction. What I have learned from you with
this form is going to help me with alot of other projects. I really
appreciate the time you take to post on the board.


Nikos Yannacopoulos said:

1. No, it doesn't matter. It's just a question of preference. I go for
double because double is deliberate, single can be accidental or intended
just to set focus.

2. Yes. Again, to me, double click is deliberate, single can be accidental
(aimed at the row above or below).

3. I take it you mean position the calendar form on the screen? Yes, you
can. The method is:
DoCmd.MoveSize 1440, 1440
The numbers correspond to the vertical and horizontal distance of the upper
lefthand corner from the upper lefthand corner of the application window,
and are in twips (1/1440 of an inch). The method has two more optional
[, down][, width][, height]
that set the form's size.
If you want the form always placed at the same position, you can put this
command in the calendar form's On Open event. If, on the other hand, you
want it placed depending on the calling txtbox, you can put something like:
DoCmd.MoveSize 1440, 1440
after the DoCmd.OpenForm in the txtbox's event code. I use the SetFocus to
make sure the calendar form is the active one when the movesize is
executed, because by default it acts on the active window.

4. Add an extra line of code at the end of the procedure:
Private Sub ActiveXCtl1_Click()
sep = InStr(1, OpenArgs, "*")
frm = Left(OpenArgs, sep - 1)
ctl = Right(OpenArgs, Len(OpenArgs) - sep)
Forms(frm).Controls(ctl) = Me.ActiveXCtl1
End Sub

5. Yes, you can, but you will no longer be able to just enter and type in a
date. Again, a user interface decision.

6. I can think of: one possible reason: the form was already open from the
first textbox, because the calendar's click event didn't have the extra line
to close it, just hidden behind the main form when you manually set focus
back to the main one. If that's the case, when you double-click (or click)
the second textbox the calendar form reappears but it was already open, so
the OpenArgs are not passed again, thus still pointing to the From txtbox.
Had the calling textbox name been hardcoded in there I would suspect that,
but the way it is (retrieved by reference: Me.ActiveControl.Name) I don't
see how that could be, unless there's code preceding the snippet I gave you
that moves focus back to the From txtbox before the calendar form is opened;
very unlikely!


RusCat said:
Wow Nikos !

I used to be self taught, years and years ago. I used to program in dbase
and in Clipper. Before the windows environment was around. I did some great
stuff and really enjoyed the 'puzzle' aspect of programming. Working to
figure out how to make something work. I just taught myself by trial and
error. THEN.... I had kids and my brain turned to mush!! Things have
changed ALOT in the last 10 or 12 years. I'm enjoying the challenge again
now that my youngest is in school all day.

This is helping me SO much. Not only is it solving a problem but it is
teaching me SO much. Your directions are clear and easy to follow.

What you explained is working well. I finally got everything in the right
place and it is doing what I wanted it to do !! Mostly.

I have some questions about the actual operations:

1. Does it matter whether the code is behind the Click or DoubleClick? One
click seems to work best for me, but if that is not the correct way to set
things up, then I'll stay with DClick.

2. Can the event for the Listbox also be just Click?

3. I did go with option 2 and played around with the format stuff - very
cool. Can I tell it somehow exactly where I want the calendar to appear?

4. When the calendar does appear, I click on a date (which appears in the
textbox), but the calendar does not disappear. How do I make it do that?

5. Can I put the exact same code in the OnEnter event for the Listbox?
That way you can select the item by clicking or entering?

6. I've done something wrong with the textboxes.... Click the first box,
calendar appears, click date, date goes to first textbox. Click second box,
calendar appears, click date, date ALSO goes to the first textbox. I checked
the code and I have the right names. Where might I be going wrong?

Well, 6 problems/questions is enough for right now. thanks again for the
Nikos Yannacopoulos said:

Glad I could help. Not a big believer in classes, I'm self-taught in most
everything I do with a computer (and when I got my first PC back in '87 the
internet was practically unheard of!). Anyway...

On the drop-down calendar: there are two approaches:
1. You can use the Date and Time Picker active X control instead of
textboxes. You can set their value in code just like the textboxes, but you
can't set them to Null for Custom; they have to have a value, so you would
set them to, say, current date instead, as a basis for the user to start
from. Also, because the DTPicker has a time part as well, even though you
don't see it, you would have to use an Int() function on the control
references in the query criteria, so as to get "clean"dates, without the
hour part (date/time in Access is actually a number, 0 being Dec.31, 1899,
the integer part being the date, and the decimal part being the time).

2. You can leave the textboxes as they are and use their double-click event
to pop-up a separate form with a Calendar active X control on it, to select
a date and return it to the textbox on the main form, while the date can
still be typed in if desired. Also, the calendar control has no time part,
so no bneed to worry about that, and you can still Null the textboxes for
Custom. Incidentally, I answered a post on thi this very subject yesterday,
I have the "how-to" ready! Here it goes:

The calendar control is on a separate form, opened by the double-click (or
click?) event of the text boxes. I'll assume the following names in my
example, and you'll have to change to the real ones:

Form with calendar: frmCalendar
Calendar control: ActiveXCtl1

The code behind the double-click event of the text boxes must be something

Private Sub txtDateFm_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
ctrl = Me.Name & "*" & Me.ActiveControl.Name
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmCalendar", , , stLinkCriteria, , , ctrl
Forms!frmCalendar!ActiveXCtl1 = Date
End Sub

(same for txtDateTo)

This way, you are passing the form and control names (separated by a *) as
an opening argument to frmCalendar.

The code behind the click event of the calendar should be something like:

Private Sub ActiveXCtl1_Click()
sep = InStr(1, OpenArgs, "*")
frm = Left(OpenArgs, sep - 1)
ctl = Right(OpenArgs, Len(OpenArgs) - sep)
Forms(frm).Controls(ctl) = Me.ActiveXCtl1

End Sub

This will work with different forms as well!

If you go for option 2, play around with the properties on Format tab for
the form to get rid of record selector, navigation buttons, control box etc
wich are meaningless in this case. In either case, to put an ActiveX control
on a form, go Insert > ActiveX control.

Good luck!

Good evening Nikos,

I just want you to know that my jaw is laying on the floor !! Your help
code did EXACTLY what I was wanting to do. Thank you thank you thank you.

I didn't understand most of it, but I spent part of yesterday and most of
today figuring it out and it works GREAT !!! It was the query that gave
the most trouble. But then again, I usually have the most trouble with

I appreciate you and the many others that frequent this board and help
of us who are lost. I live in rural Maine with no opportunity to take a
class in Access, so this board has been a wonderful learning experience.

I'm going to see if I can incorporate a drop down calendar on the Custom
date from and to. I've researched it here and know that it can be done.

Any additional help you can offer will be most appreciated with regards to
the calendar.

Thank you again for sharing your skills and knowledge. It really means
something to me.



I am completely flabbergasted at the detail of your reply. Thank you so
much for taking the time and effort to help me. I appreciate it very

To be honest, I don't understand all of it, but I'm going to begin
trying to
dissect it this evening and see where I get.

I hope you will continue to be available for additional questions, which
will undoubtedly have !!

Thank you again.



To begin with, I would add two textboxes on the form (called, say,
and txtDateTo, formatted as date - same format as the date field in
table), and set their Visible property to No in form design. These
will be
used for holding the from and to dates, populated by the listbox
still invisible) on every other choice, and made visible to be filled
manually when custom is selected.

The query for the records would reference these two text boxes in its
criterion on the date field, like:

= Forms![Form Name]![txtDateFm] and <= Forms![Form Name]![txtDateTo]

I would use the double click event of the listbox (assumed name List0)
calculate the dates and requery the subform (assumed name: Subform1)
the records. Of course, when custom is selected, the user has to enter
dates and then somehow requery the subform. For this I would use a
button (called Command2 in my sample code, caption something like
Refresh or
Get Data, also hidden in the form design) which is toggled between
and invisible together with the textboxes.

Here's the code behind the Command2 button:

Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub

And, finally, here's the code behind the listbox's double click event:

Private Sub List0_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Select Case Me.List0
Case "Today"
Me.txtDateFm = Date
Me.txtDateTo = Date
Case "This Week"
dt = Date
If Weekday(dt, 3) = 7 Then dt = dt + 7
Me.txtDateFm = dt - Weekday(dt, 3)
Me.txtDateTo = dt - Weekday(dt, 3) + 6
Case "This Month"
Select Case Month(Date)
Case 12
y1 = Year(Date)
m1 = Month(Date)
y2 = y1 + 1
m2 = 1
Case Else
y1 = Year(Date)
m1 = Month(Date)
y2 = y1
m2 = m1 + 1
End Select
Me.txtDateFm = DateSerial(y1, m1, 1)
Me.txtDateTo = DateSerial(y2, m2, 1) - 1
Case "Last Week"
dt = Date
If Weekday(dt, 3) = 7 Then dt = dt + 7
Me.txtDateFm = dt - Weekday(dt, 3) - 7
Me.txtDateTo = dt - Weekday(dt, 3) - 1
Case "Last Month"
Select Case Month(Date)
Case 1
y1 = Year(Date) - 1
m1 = 12
y2 = y1 + 1
m2 = 1
Case Else
y1 = Year(Date)
m1 = Month(Date) - 1
y2 = y1
m2 = m1 + 1
End Select
Me.txtDateFm = DateSerial(y1, m1, 1)
Me.txtDateTo = DateSerial(y2, m2, 1) - 1
Case "Custom"
Me.txtDateFm = Null
Me.txtDateTo = Null
Me.txtDateFm.Visible = True
Me.txtDateTo.Visible = True
Me.Command2.Visible = True
GoTo skip_hide
End Select

Me.txtDateFm.Visible = False
Me.txtDateTo.Visible = False
Me.Command2.Visible = False

End Sub

Don't forget to change the object names to your real names!


Good morning,

Here is something I'm tryng to do, but can't seem to get a handle
on. I
hoping for some direction.

I have the following things listed in a listbox: today, this week,
month, last week, last month, custom

I want to be able to click on THISWEEK and have all the records for
week to show up on my form.

It is a projects table where our employees log in the hours they
on a project. I need them to be able to see the data by the choices

ALSO: how would I create a CUSTOM set of data? Click on CUSTOM,
of boxes appear where I could type in the 2 dates and everything
those dates would show up on the form.

I've tried queries, but I'm just not getting it. I understand the
behind it, but just not how to get it done. I'm a novice Access
user, so
please be gentle in your help and explainations !!

Thank you so much.

The easy part first: to get the drop-down behaviour, you need to use a combo
box instead of a listbox. Open the form in design view and right-click on
the listbox, select Change To > Combobox, and that's all there is to it! Its
name will remain unchanged, possibly connotating to a list, but it will work
just fine all the same, if you don't want to to bother to change it... and
so will the code behind the event. In a combo's case, of course, the single
click makes a lot more sense that the double.

Now, on the calendar position... what I had in mind was a separate form,
frmCalendar, with only tghe calenmdar control on it, which(the form) would
open on top of the main one, and I thought the idea was to move the whole
form with the calendar so it anchors to the txtbox. Your description is like
you have put just a calendar control on the same form? I'll try to address

1. Calendar on separate form:
The idea is that frmCalendar is hardly any bigger than the control itself,
and its sole purpose is to host the latter; consequently, it is moved all
together in order to position the calendar. In this case, the form is moved
right after it is opened, from the click event of the txtbox on the main

Private Sub txtDateFm_Click()
ctrl = Me.Name & "*" & Me.ActiveControl.Name
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmCalendar", , , stLinkCriteria, , , ctrl
Forms!frmCalendar!ActiveXCtl1 = Date
DoCmd.MoveSize 1440, 1440 'or whatever
End Sub

Likewise for the other textbox.

2. Calendar on the same form:
This is a different approach. The idae is that you put the control on the
same form (it doesn't matter where), and set its Visible property to No.
Then when you need it you position it as required and make it appear,
possibly on top of other controls, hiding them. When its job is done, you
just hide it again.
This would result in slight changes to the code, since there is no separate
form involved now:

Option Compare Database
Public caller As String

Private Sub ActiveXCtl1_Click()
Me.Controls(caller) = Me.ActiveXCtl1
Me.ActiveXCtl1.Visible = False
End Sub

Private Sub txtDateFm_Click()
caller = Me.ActiveControl.Name
Me.ActiveXCtl1 = Date
Me.ActiveXCtl1.Top = Me.txtDateFm.Top + Me.txtDateFm.Height + 15
Me.ActiveXCtl1.Left = Me.txtDateFm.Left
Me.ActiveXCtl1.Visible = True
End Sub

Private Sub txtDateTo_Click()
caller = Me.ActiveControl.Name
Me.ActiveXCtl1 = Date
Me.ActiveXCtl1.Top = Me.txtDateTo.Top + Me.txtDateTo.Height + 15
Me.ActiveXCtl1.Left = Me.txtDateTo.Left
Me.ActiveXCtl1.Visible = True
End Sub

Note that I am using a Public variable to store the name of the control
calling the calendar, so it knows which control to return its selected date
The code behind the listbox/combo click event and the command button remains

The second approach allows you to easily anchor the clendar to the calling
control, regardless of the form's current position. The first appoach works
well if the main form is maximised, so the clling txtboxes' position is
fixed, but can't follow them around otherwise - I haven't been able to
figure out how to "read" a form's position in the Access app window. The
advantage of the former approach, on the other hand, is one calendar form
can support any number of forms using it.

Hope this is clear now. Good luck,

RusCat said:
Good evening Nikos,

I hope you are having a nice weekend. The weather here in Maine was great
today, but they are forecasting snow for tomorrow! I do love winter.

Your answers to my questions were, as always, very helpful. I'm really
beginning to get the hang of what stuff means and even the whys.

With regards to question #3 and your answer. I thought I understood what
you wrote, but I can't get anything to work.

I did mean the position of the calendar, but within the form, not the
screen. You said "if you want it placed depending on the calling txtbox, you
can put something like :
Forms("frmCalendar").Set forcus
DoCmd.moveSize 1440, 1440
After the DoCmd.OpenForm in teh txtbox's event code."

Can you clarify for me exactly where to put it.

I would like the calendar to be "attached" or "anchored" to the txtbox. If
I move the form around the calendar stays stationary. Does that make sense?
Is that possible?

Also, something related back to the listbox: How can I make the "list" drop
down below the box when I move my curser there. Now the list just scrolls in
the box I made, but I see other lists that drop down and then the user can
click on their selection.

Thanks again for the great direction. What I have learned from you with
this form is going to help me with alot of other projects. I really
appreciate the time you take to post on the board.


Nikos Yannacopoulos said:

1. No, it doesn't matter. It's just a question of preference. I go for
double because double is deliberate, single can be accidental or intended
just to set focus.

2. Yes. Again, to me, double click is deliberate, single can be accidental
(aimed at the row above or below).

3. I take it you mean position the calendar form on the screen? Yes, you
can. The method is:
DoCmd.MoveSize 1440, 1440
The numbers correspond to the vertical and horizontal distance of the upper
lefthand corner from the upper lefthand corner of the application window,
and are in twips (1/1440 of an inch). The method has two more optional
[, down][, width][, height]
that set the form's size.
If you want the form always placed at the same position, you can put this
command in the calendar form's On Open event. If, on the other hand, you
want it placed depending on the calling txtbox, you can put something like:
DoCmd.MoveSize 1440, 1440
after the DoCmd.OpenForm in the txtbox's event code. I use the SetFocus to
make sure the calendar form is the active one when the movesize is
executed, because by default it acts on the active window.

4. Add an extra line of code at the end of the procedure:
Private Sub ActiveXCtl1_Click()
sep = InStr(1, OpenArgs, "*")
frm = Left(OpenArgs, sep - 1)
ctl = Right(OpenArgs, Len(OpenArgs) - sep)
Forms(frm).Controls(ctl) = Me.ActiveXCtl1
End Sub

5. Yes, you can, but you will no longer be able to just enter and type in a
date. Again, a user interface decision.

6. I can think of: one possible reason: the form was already open from the
first textbox, because the calendar's click event didn't have the extra line
to close it, just hidden behind the main form when you manually set focus
back to the main one. If that's the case, when you double-click (or click)
the second textbox the calendar form reappears but it was already open, so
the OpenArgs are not passed again, thus still pointing to the From txtbox.
Had the calling textbox name been hardcoded in there I would suspect that,
but the way it is (retrieved by reference: Me.ActiveControl.Name) I don't
see how that could be, unless there's code preceding the snippet I gave you
that moves focus back to the From txtbox before the calendar form is opened;
very unlikely!


RusCat said:
Wow Nikos !

I used to be self taught, years and years ago. I used to program in dbase
and in Clipper. Before the windows environment was around. I did
stuff and really enjoyed the 'puzzle' aspect of programming. Working to
figure out how to make something work. I just taught myself by trial and
error. THEN.... I had kids and my brain turned to mush!! Things have
changed ALOT in the last 10 or 12 years. I'm enjoying the challenge again
now that my youngest is in school all day.

This is helping me SO much. Not only is it solving a problem but it is
teaching me SO much. Your directions are clear and easy to follow.

What you explained is working well. I finally got everything in the right
place and it is doing what I wanted it to do !! Mostly.

I have some questions about the actual operations:

1. Does it matter whether the code is behind the Click or
click seems to work best for me, but if that is not the correct way to set
things up, then I'll stay with DClick.

2. Can the event for the Listbox also be just Click?

3. I did go with option 2 and played around with the format stuff - very
cool. Can I tell it somehow exactly where I want the calendar to appear?

4. When the calendar does appear, I click on a date (which appears in the
textbox), but the calendar does not disappear. How do I make it do that?

5. Can I put the exact same code in the OnEnter event for the Listbox?
That way you can select the item by clicking or entering?

6. I've done something wrong with the textboxes.... Click the first box,
calendar appears, click date, date goes to first textbox. Click
calendar appears, click date, date ALSO goes to the first textbox. I checked
the code and I have the right names. Where might I be going wrong?

Well, 6 problems/questions is enough for right now. thanks again for the


Glad I could help. Not a big believer in classes, I'm self-taught in most
everything I do with a computer (and when I got my first PC back in
internet was practically unheard of!). Anyway...

On the drop-down calendar: there are two approaches:
1. You can use the Date and Time Picker active X control instead of
textboxes. You can set their value in code just like the textboxes,
can't set them to Null for Custom; they have to have a value, so you would
set them to, say, current date instead, as a basis for the user to start
from. Also, because the DTPicker has a time part as well, even
don't see it, you would have to use an Int() function on the control
references in the query criteria, so as to get "clean"dates, without the
hour part (date/time in Access is actually a number, 0 being Dec.31, 1899,
the integer part being the date, and the decimal part being the time).

2. You can leave the textboxes as they are and use their
to pop-up a separate form with a Calendar active X control on it, to select
a date and return it to the textbox on the main form, while the date can
still be typed in if desired. Also, the calendar control has no time part,
so no bneed to worry about that, and you can still Null the
Custom. Incidentally, I answered a post on thi this very subject yesterday,
I have the "how-to" ready! Here it goes:

The calendar control is on a separate form, opened by the
click?) event of the text boxes. I'll assume the following names in my
example, and you'll have to change to the real ones:

Form with calendar: frmCalendar
Calendar control: ActiveXCtl1

The code behind the double-click event of the text boxes must be something

Private Sub txtDateFm_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
ctrl = Me.Name & "*" & Me.ActiveControl.Name
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmCalendar", , , stLinkCriteria, , , ctrl
Forms!frmCalendar!ActiveXCtl1 = Date
End Sub

(same for txtDateTo)

This way, you are passing the form and control names (separated by a
an opening argument to frmCalendar.

The code behind the click event of the calendar should be something like:

Private Sub ActiveXCtl1_Click()
sep = InStr(1, OpenArgs, "*")
frm = Left(OpenArgs, sep - 1)
ctl = Right(OpenArgs, Len(OpenArgs) - sep)
Forms(frm).Controls(ctl) = Me.ActiveXCtl1

End Sub

This will work with different forms as well!

If you go for option 2, play around with the properties on Format
the form to get rid of record selector, navigation buttons, control
wich are meaningless in this case. In either case, to put an ActiveX control
on a form, go Insert > ActiveX control.

Good luck!

Good evening Nikos,

I just want you to know that my jaw is laying on the floor !!
code did EXACTLY what I was wanting to do. Thank you thank you
I didn't understand most of it, but I spent part of yesterday and
today figuring it out and it works GREAT !!! It was the query
the most trouble. But then again, I usually have the most trouble with

I appreciate you and the many others that frequent this board and help
of us who are lost. I live in rural Maine with no opportunity to
class in Access, so this board has been a wonderful learning experience.

I'm going to see if I can incorporate a drop down calendar on the Custom
date from and to. I've researched it here and know that it can be done.

Any additional help you can offer will be most appreciated with regards to
the calendar.

Thank you again for sharing your skills and knowledge. It really means
something to me.



I am completely flabbergasted at the detail of your reply.
you so
much for taking the time and effort to help me. I appreciate it very

To be honest, I don't understand all of it, but I'm going to begin
trying to
dissect it this evening and see where I get.

I hope you will continue to be available for additional
will undoubtedly have !!

Thank you again.



To begin with, I would add two textboxes on the form (called, say,
and txtDateTo, formatted as date - same format as the date
table), and set their Visible property to No in form design. These
will be
used for holding the from and to dates, populated by the listbox
still invisible) on every other choice, and made visible to be filled
manually when custom is selected.

The query for the records would reference these two text boxes
criterion on the date field, like:

= Forms![Form Name]![txtDateFm] and <= Forms![Form Name]![txtDateTo]

I would use the double click event of the listbox (assumed
calculate the dates and requery the subform (assumed name: Subform1)
the records. Of course, when custom is selected, the user has
dates and then somehow requery the subform. For this I would use a
button (called Command2 in my sample code, caption something like
Refresh or
Get Data, also hidden in the form design) which is toggled between
and invisible together with the textboxes.

Here's the code behind the Command2 button:

Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub

And, finally, here's the code behind the listbox's double
Private Sub List0_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Select Case Me.List0
Case "Today"
Me.txtDateFm = Date
Me.txtDateTo = Date
Case "This Week"
dt = Date
If Weekday(dt, 3) = 7 Then dt = dt + 7
Me.txtDateFm = dt - Weekday(dt, 3)
Me.txtDateTo = dt - Weekday(dt, 3) + 6
Case "This Month"
Select Case Month(Date)
Case 12
y1 = Year(Date)
m1 = Month(Date)
y2 = y1 + 1
m2 = 1
Case Else
y1 = Year(Date)
m1 = Month(Date)
y2 = y1
m2 = m1 + 1
End Select
Me.txtDateFm = DateSerial(y1, m1, 1)
Me.txtDateTo = DateSerial(y2, m2, 1) - 1
Case "Last Week"
dt = Date
If Weekday(dt, 3) = 7 Then dt = dt + 7
Me.txtDateFm = dt - Weekday(dt, 3) - 7
Me.txtDateTo = dt - Weekday(dt, 3) - 1
Case "Last Month"
Select Case Month(Date)
Case 1
y1 = Year(Date) - 1
m1 = 12
y2 = y1 + 1
m2 = 1
Case Else
y1 = Year(Date)
m1 = Month(Date) - 1
y2 = y1
m2 = m1 + 1
End Select
Me.txtDateFm = DateSerial(y1, m1, 1)
Me.txtDateTo = DateSerial(y2, m2, 1) - 1
Case "Custom"
Me.txtDateFm = Null
Me.txtDateTo = Null
Me.txtDateFm.Visible = True
Me.txtDateTo.Visible = True
Me.Command2.Visible = True
GoTo skip_hide
End Select

Me.txtDateFm.Visible = False
Me.txtDateTo.Visible = False
Me.Command2.Visible = False

End Sub

Don't forget to change the object names to your real names!


Good morning,

Here is something I'm tryng to do, but can't seem to get a handle
on. I
hoping for some direction.

I have the following things listed in a listbox: today,
month, last week, last month, custom

I want to be able to click on THISWEEK and have all the
week to show up on my form.

It is a projects table where our employees log in the hours they
on a project. I need them to be able to see the data by the choices

ALSO: how would I create a CUSTOM set of data? Click on CUSTOM,
of boxes appear where I could type in the 2 dates and everything
those dates would show up on the form.

I've tried queries, but I'm just not getting it. I
behind it, but just not how to get it done. I'm a novice Access
user, so
please be gentle in your help and explainations !!

Thank you so much.
Good Evening Nikos !

Well, after I asked you about the listbox dropping down, I did actually
figure it out by myself. It was so simple, I felt a bit stupid for asking

Now, that pesky Calendar position.... I DID make the calendar on a separate
form called frmCalendar. (to be honest, I called everything exactly what you
did, so I wouldn't get confused!) :-)

Besides you, I'm using a book called "Running MS Access 2000" by John
Viescas. It seems to be a good book and comes with a companion disk of
samples. One of the samples has some sort of order form where the calendar
opens up directly under the txtbox for the To/From dates. I can only say
that it seems to be "anchored" there. It doesn't seem to move. That was
what I was trying to get my frmCalendar to do.

In your most recent post you say that the second approach allows me to
easily 'anchor' the calendar to the calling control.

1. Is the calling control the txtbox?
2. IF, I was going to try to do your second approach, where would I put
this code?
3. Will it mess up what's shown on the form, if it is suddenly visible when
I get to the txtbox?

I'm happy with the separate form (frmCalendar), but not happy with being
unable to anchor it to the txtbox. I like your suggestion about maximizing
the form and then nobody could move it around and the calendar would 'look'

OK, I showed all that I have done to the boss and he was quite impressed, so
please pat yourself on the back! I have 2 more questions and then I think it
will be done.

A. the listbox and the txtboxes for custom dates brings up some data with I
am displaying on the frmMaine with a subform. My boss would like to be able
to click on a record on the subform and have just that record 'moved" up to
the top of the form into a data entry screen (which I already have and am
using successfully) Does that make sense? On the subform there might be 8
or 9 records listed. He wants to 'click' on a specific record and 'move' it
up to the data entry screen where he can "see' it better. I tried to explain
that he can 'edit' it in the subform , but he wants to be able to move it.
Can this be done, at my understanding level?

B. Another thing that I've done is after you get those 8 or 9 records
(depending on the dates you entered) I have totaled the hours that where
worked. This works fine except when there are no records in the data set.
then I get that error thing... #error. I would like to be able to have that
just show 0.00 if there are no records that meet the criteria. I tried to
find someplace to set a default to 0, but couldnt' find anything. I also
tried to set the "input mask" to something! This worked fairly well with the
Password function. If there are no records then the total box shows "*****"!
I laugh about this. There seems to be some way to create a custom input
mask, but I couldn't figure that out either !!

I feel like I am keeping you busy with my questions, but I want you to know
how much I have appreciated all your help. I can hardly wait to start a new
project and learn some new stuff from you !

Thanks again.

Nikos Yannacopoulos said:

The easy part first: to get the drop-down behaviour, you need to use a combo
box instead of a listbox. Open the form in design view and right-click on
the listbox, select Change To > Combobox, and that's all there is to it! Its
name will remain unchanged, possibly connotating to a list, but it will work
just fine all the same, if you don't want to to bother to change it... and
so will the code behind the event. In a combo's case, of course, the single
click makes a lot more sense that the double.

Now, on the calendar position... what I had in mind was a separate form,
frmCalendar, with only tghe calenmdar control on it, which(the form) would
open on top of the main one, and I thought the idea was to move the whole
form with the calendar so it anchors to the txtbox. Your description is like
you have put just a calendar control on the same form? I'll try to address

1. Calendar on separate form:
The idea is that frmCalendar is hardly any bigger than the control itself,
and its sole purpose is to host the latter; consequently, it is moved all
together in order to position the calendar. In this case, the form is moved
right after it is opened, from the click event of the txtbox on the main

Private Sub txtDateFm_Click()
ctrl = Me.Name & "*" & Me.ActiveControl.Name
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmCalendar", , , stLinkCriteria, , , ctrl
Forms!frmCalendar!ActiveXCtl1 = Date
DoCmd.MoveSize 1440, 1440 'or whatever
End Sub

Likewise for the other textbox.

2. Calendar on the same form:
This is a different approach. The idae is that you put the control on the
same form (it doesn't matter where), and set its Visible property to No.
Then when you need it you position it as required and make it appear,
possibly on top of other controls, hiding them. When its job is done, you
just hide it again.
This would result in slight changes to the code, since there is no separate
form involved now:

Option Compare Database
Public caller As String

Private Sub ActiveXCtl1_Click()
Me.Controls(caller) = Me.ActiveXCtl1
Me.ActiveXCtl1.Visible = False
End Sub

Private Sub txtDateFm_Click()
caller = Me.ActiveControl.Name
Me.ActiveXCtl1 = Date
Me.ActiveXCtl1.Top = Me.txtDateFm.Top + Me.txtDateFm.Height + 15
Me.ActiveXCtl1.Left = Me.txtDateFm.Left
Me.ActiveXCtl1.Visible = True
End Sub

Private Sub txtDateTo_Click()
caller = Me.ActiveControl.Name
Me.ActiveXCtl1 = Date
Me.ActiveXCtl1.Top = Me.txtDateTo.Top + Me.txtDateTo.Height + 15
Me.ActiveXCtl1.Left = Me.txtDateTo.Left
Me.ActiveXCtl1.Visible = True
End Sub

Note that I am using a Public variable to store the name of the control
calling the calendar, so it knows which control to return its selected date
The code behind the listbox/combo click event and the command button remains

The second approach allows you to easily anchor the clendar to the calling
control, regardless of the form's current position. The first appoach works
well if the main form is maximised, so the clling txtboxes' position is
fixed, but can't follow them around otherwise - I haven't been able to
figure out how to "read" a form's position in the Access app window. The
advantage of the former approach, on the other hand, is one calendar form
can support any number of forms using it.

Hope this is clear now. Good luck,

RusCat said:
Good evening Nikos,

I hope you are having a nice weekend. The weather here in Maine was great
today, but they are forecasting snow for tomorrow! I do love winter.

Your answers to my questions were, as always, very helpful. I'm really
beginning to get the hang of what stuff means and even the whys.

With regards to question #3 and your answer. I thought I understood what
you wrote, but I can't get anything to work.

I did mean the position of the calendar, but within the form, not the
screen. You said "if you want it placed depending on the calling txtbox, you
can put something like :
Forms("frmCalendar").Set forcus
DoCmd.moveSize 1440, 1440
After the DoCmd.OpenForm in teh txtbox's event code."

Can you clarify for me exactly where to put it.

I would like the calendar to be "attached" or "anchored" to the txtbox. If
I move the form around the calendar stays stationary. Does that make sense?
Is that possible?

Also, something related back to the listbox: How can I make the "list" drop
down below the box when I move my curser there. Now the list just scrolls in
the box I made, but I see other lists that drop down and then the user can
click on their selection.

Thanks again for the great direction. What I have learned from you with
this form is going to help me with alot of other projects. I really
appreciate the time you take to post on the board.


Nikos Yannacopoulos said:

1. No, it doesn't matter. It's just a question of preference. I go for
double because double is deliberate, single can be accidental or intended
just to set focus.

2. Yes. Again, to me, double click is deliberate, single can be accidental
(aimed at the row above or below).

3. I take it you mean position the calendar form on the screen? Yes, you
can. The method is:
DoCmd.MoveSize 1440, 1440
The numbers correspond to the vertical and horizontal distance of the upper
lefthand corner from the upper lefthand corner of the application window,
and are in twips (1/1440 of an inch). The method has two more optional
[, down][, width][, height]
that set the form's size.
If you want the form always placed at the same position, you can put this
command in the calendar form's On Open event. If, on the other hand, you
want it placed depending on the calling txtbox, you can put something like:
DoCmd.MoveSize 1440, 1440
after the DoCmd.OpenForm in the txtbox's event code. I use the SetFocus to
make sure the calendar form is the active one when the movesize is
executed, because by default it acts on the active window.

4. Add an extra line of code at the end of the procedure:
Private Sub ActiveXCtl1_Click()
sep = InStr(1, OpenArgs, "*")
frm = Left(OpenArgs, sep - 1)
ctl = Right(OpenArgs, Len(OpenArgs) - sep)
Forms(frm).Controls(ctl) = Me.ActiveXCtl1
End Sub

5. Yes, you can, but you will no longer be able to just enter and type in a
date. Again, a user interface decision.

6. I can think of: one possible reason: the form was already open from the
first textbox, because the calendar's click event didn't have the extra line
to close it, just hidden behind the main form when you manually set focus
back to the main one. If that's the case, when you double-click (or click)
the second textbox the calendar form reappears but it was already open, so
the OpenArgs are not passed again, thus still pointing to the From txtbox.
Had the calling textbox name been hardcoded in there I would suspect that,
but the way it is (retrieved by reference: Me.ActiveControl.Name) I don't
see how that could be, unless there's code preceding the snippet I gave you
that moves focus back to the From txtbox before the calendar form is opened;
very unlikely!


Wow Nikos !

I used to be self taught, years and years ago. I used to program in dbase
and in Clipper. Before the windows environment was around. I did some
stuff and really enjoyed the 'puzzle' aspect of programming. Working to
figure out how to make something work. I just taught myself by trial and
error. THEN.... I had kids and my brain turned to mush!! Things have
changed ALOT in the last 10 or 12 years. I'm enjoying the challenge again
now that my youngest is in school all day.

This is helping me SO much. Not only is it solving a problem but it is
teaching me SO much. Your directions are clear and easy to follow.

What you explained is working well. I finally got everything in the right
place and it is doing what I wanted it to do !! Mostly.

I have some questions about the actual operations:

1. Does it matter whether the code is behind the Click or DoubleClick?
click seems to work best for me, but if that is not the correct way to set
things up, then I'll stay with DClick.

2. Can the event for the Listbox also be just Click?

3. I did go with option 2 and played around with the format stuff - very
cool. Can I tell it somehow exactly where I want the calendar to appear?

4. When the calendar does appear, I click on a date (which appears in the
textbox), but the calendar does not disappear. How do I make it do that?

5. Can I put the exact same code in the OnEnter event for the Listbox?
That way you can select the item by clicking or entering?

6. I've done something wrong with the textboxes.... Click the first box,
calendar appears, click date, date goes to first textbox. Click second
calendar appears, click date, date ALSO goes to the first textbox. I
the code and I have the right names. Where might I be going wrong?

Well, 6 problems/questions is enough for right now. thanks again for the


Glad I could help. Not a big believer in classes, I'm self-taught in
everything I do with a computer (and when I got my first PC back in '87
internet was practically unheard of!). Anyway...

On the drop-down calendar: there are two approaches:
1. You can use the Date and Time Picker active X control instead of
textboxes. You can set their value in code just like the textboxes, but
can't set them to Null for Custom; they have to have a value, so you
set them to, say, current date instead, as a basis for the user to start
from. Also, because the DTPicker has a time part as well, even though
don't see it, you would have to use an Int() function on the control
references in the query criteria, so as to get "clean"dates, without the
hour part (date/time in Access is actually a number, 0 being Dec.31,
the integer part being the date, and the decimal part being the time).

2. You can leave the textboxes as they are and use their double-click
to pop-up a separate form with a Calendar active X control on it, to
a date and return it to the textbox on the main form, while the date can
still be typed in if desired. Also, the calendar control has no time
so no bneed to worry about that, and you can still Null the textboxes
Custom. Incidentally, I answered a post on thi this very subject
I have the "how-to" ready! Here it goes:

The calendar control is on a separate form, opened by the double-click
click?) event of the text boxes. I'll assume the following names in my
example, and you'll have to change to the real ones:

Form with calendar: frmCalendar
Calendar control: ActiveXCtl1

The code behind the double-click event of the text boxes must be

Private Sub txtDateFm_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
ctrl = Me.Name & "*" & Me.ActiveControl.Name
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmCalendar", , , stLinkCriteria, , , ctrl
Forms!frmCalendar!ActiveXCtl1 = Date
End Sub

(same for txtDateTo)

This way, you are passing the form and control names (separated by a *)
an opening argument to frmCalendar.

The code behind the click event of the calendar should be something

Private Sub ActiveXCtl1_Click()
sep = InStr(1, OpenArgs, "*")
frm = Left(OpenArgs, sep - 1)
ctl = Right(OpenArgs, Len(OpenArgs) - sep)
Forms(frm).Controls(ctl) = Me.ActiveXCtl1

End Sub

This will work with different forms as well!

If you go for option 2, play around with the properties on Format tab
the form to get rid of record selector, navigation buttons, control box
wich are meaningless in this case. In either case, to put an ActiveX
on a form, go Insert > ActiveX control.

Good luck!

Good evening Nikos,

I just want you to know that my jaw is laying on the floor !! Your
code did EXACTLY what I was wanting to do. Thank you thank you thank

I didn't understand most of it, but I spent part of yesterday and most
today figuring it out and it works GREAT !!! It was the query that
the most trouble. But then again, I usually have the most trouble

I appreciate you and the many others that frequent this board and help
of us who are lost. I live in rural Maine with no opportunity to take
class in Access, so this board has been a wonderful learning

I'm going to see if I can incorporate a drop down calendar on the
date from and to. I've researched it here and know that it can be

Any additional help you can offer will be most appreciated with
regards to
the calendar.

Thank you again for sharing your skills and knowledge. It really
something to me.



I am completely flabbergasted at the detail of your reply. Thank
you so
much for taking the time and effort to help me. I appreciate it

To be honest, I don't understand all of it, but I'm going to begin
trying to
dissect it this evening and see where I get.

I hope you will continue to be available for additional questions,
will undoubtedly have !!

Thank you again.



To begin with, I would add two textboxes on the form (called, say,
and txtDateTo, formatted as date - same format as the date field
table), and set their Visible property to No in form design. These
will be
used for holding the from and to dates, populated by the listbox
still invisible) on every other choice, and made visible to be
manually when custom is selected.

The query for the records would reference these two text boxes in
criterion on the date field, like:

= Forms![Form Name]![txtDateFm] and <= Forms![Form

I would use the double click event of the listbox (assumed name
calculate the dates and requery the subform (assumed name:
the records. Of course, when custom is selected, the user has to
dates and then somehow requery the subform. For this I would use a
button (called Command2 in my sample code, caption something like
Refresh or
Get Data, also hidden in the form design) which is toggled between
and invisible together with the textboxes.

Here's the code behind the Command2 button:

Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub

And, finally, here's the code behind the listbox's double click

Private Sub List0_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Select Case Me.List0
Case "Today"
Me.txtDateFm = Date
Me.txtDateTo = Date
Case "This Week"
dt = Date
If Weekday(dt, 3) = 7 Then dt = dt + 7
Me.txtDateFm = dt - Weekday(dt, 3)
Me.txtDateTo = dt - Weekday(dt, 3) + 6
Case "This Month"
Select Case Month(Date)
Case 12
y1 = Year(Date)
m1 = Month(Date)
y2 = y1 + 1
m2 = 1
Case Else
y1 = Year(Date)
m1 = Month(Date)
y2 = y1
m2 = m1 + 1
End Select
Me.txtDateFm = DateSerial(y1, m1, 1)
Me.txtDateTo = DateSerial(y2, m2, 1) - 1
Case "Last Week"
dt = Date
If Weekday(dt, 3) = 7 Then dt = dt + 7
Me.txtDateFm = dt - Weekday(dt, 3) - 7
Me.txtDateTo = dt - Weekday(dt, 3) - 1
Case "Last Month"
Select Case Month(Date)
Case 1
y1 = Year(Date) - 1
m1 = 12
y2 = y1 + 1
m2 = 1
Case Else
y1 = Year(Date)
m1 = Month(Date) - 1
y2 = y1
m2 = m1 + 1
End Select
Me.txtDateFm = DateSerial(y1, m1, 1)
Me.txtDateTo = DateSerial(y2, m2, 1) - 1
Case "Custom"
Me.txtDateFm = Null
Me.txtDateTo = Null
Me.txtDateFm.Visible = True
Me.txtDateTo.Visible = True
Me.Command2.Visible = True
GoTo skip_hide
End Select

Me.txtDateFm.Visible = False
Me.txtDateTo.Visible = False
Me.Command2.Visible = False

End Sub

Don't forget to change the object names to your real names!


Good morning,

Here is something I'm tryng to do, but can't seem to get a
on. I
hoping for some direction.

I have the following things listed in a listbox: today, this
month, last week, last month, custom

I want to be able to click on THISWEEK and have all the records
week to show up on my form.

It is a projects table where our employees log in the hours they
on a project. I need them to be able to see the data by the

ALSO: how would I create a CUSTOM set of data? Click on
of boxes appear where I could type in the 2 dates and everything
those dates would show up on the form.

I've tried queries, but I'm just not getting it. I understand
behind it, but just not how to get it done. I'm a novice Access
user, so
please be gentle in your help and explainations !!

Thank you so much.

Hi Lisa,

See my comments in between your post.


RusCat said:
Good Evening Nikos !

Well, after I asked you about the listbox dropping down, I did actually
figure it out by myself. It was so simple, I felt a bit stupid for asking

Good! Feels much better when you dicsover on your own.

Now, that pesky Calendar position.... I DID make the calendar on a separate
form called frmCalendar. (to be honest, I called everything exactly what you
did, so I wouldn't get confused!) :-)

Besides you, I'm using a book called "Running MS Access 2000" by John
Viescas. It seems to be a good book and comes with a companion disk of
samples. One of the samples has some sort of order form where the calendar
opens up directly under the txtbox for the To/From dates. I can only say
that it seems to be "anchored" there. It doesn't seem to move. That was
what I was trying to get my frmCalendar to do.

OK. So the problem is the positioning, right? I assume you've solved the
which-txtbox-is-updated issue. I checked out John Viescas's site (John is an
Access MVP, well known to the NG users) in case he had the same example
available there. He does have a calendar form example (surprise, it's called
frmCalendar!) which works similar to what I proposed, but - regrettably -
doesn't get anchored to the calling form/textbox, so I couldn't see that. I
was thinking, it might be that John's order form is using the DTPicker
control within the same form instead of a Calendar control on a separate
form; the DTPicker control looks like a combo box (button with down arrow on
the right hand side) when idle, and opens to a small calendar (smaller than
the Calendar control) when the arrow button is clicked. This is always
anchored to itself by definition, being a single entity! Can you check
whether this is what it is?
In your most recent post you say that the second approach allows me to
easily 'anchor' the calendar to the calling control.

1. Is the calling control the txtbox?

Yes, that's what I meant. Not a standard term, just my private gismo for the

2. IF, I was going to try to do your second approach, where would I put
this code?

All the code procedures go in the main form's module. Rather than pasting it
directly, it is better to go through the properties, selecting the
appropriate event, and pasting the actual code between the automatically
inserted event procedure start and end lines, so you make sure the form
"registers" the procedures. If you just paste the code, sometimes it might
not (at least in my experience).

3. Will it mess up what's shown on the form, if it is suddenly visible when
I get to the txtbox?

The code will make the calendar appear right below the textbox, over any
control(s) / subform already there (you may have to do a Format > Bring to
Front on the calendar control in design view), but won't affect them in
anyway, as soon as it is closed they wil be just like they were before. A
Date and Time Picker control, like I suspect is used in John Viescas's form,
would behave exactly the same.

I'm happy with the separate form (frmCalendar), but not happy with being
unable to anchor it to the txtbox. I like your suggestion about maximizing
the form and then nobody could move it around and the calendar would 'look'

The Calendar on the main form itself seems a more robust solution after all,
unless you want the separate form to work with multiple "main" forms. You
are in a better position to judge this, though, I haven't even seen your

OK, I showed all that I have done to the boss and he was quite impressed, so
please pat yourself on the back!

Please ask him to call mine and put in a good word for me! :-)

I have 2 more questions and then I think it
will be done.

A. the listbox and the txtboxes for custom dates brings up some data with I
am displaying on the frmMaine with a subform. My boss would like to be able
to click on a record on the subform and have just that record 'moved" up to
the top of the form into a data entry screen (which I already have and am
using successfully) Does that make sense? On the subform there might be 8
or 9 records listed. He wants to 'click' on a specific record and 'move' it
up to the data entry screen where he can "see' it better. I tried to explain
that he can 'edit' it in the subform , but he wants to be able to move it.
Can this be done, at my understanding level?

Yes, it can. Open the subform in design view, and put this line of code
behind the appropriate control's Click (or double-click) event:

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmEditRecord", acNormal, , "txtID=" & Me.txtID

where I have assumed the other form to be called frmEditRecord, and the
control bound to the Primary Key field on both forms called txtID. This will
open the edit form with only the specific record available. The expression
above will work for a numeric PK field. If your PK is text, then change to:

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmEditRecord", acNormal, , "txtID='" & Me.txtID & "'"

B. Another thing that I've done is after you get those 8 or 9 records
(depending on the dates you entered) I have totaled the hours that where
worked. This works fine except when there are no records in the data set.
then I get that error thing... #error. I would like to be able to have that
just show 0.00 if there are no records that meet the criteria. I tried to
find someplace to set a default to 0, but couldnt' find anything. I also
tried to set the "input mask" to something! This worked fairly well with the
Password function. If there are no records then the total box shows "*****"!
I laugh about this. There seems to be some way to create a custom input
mask, but I couldn't figure that out either !!

Use he Nz() function on the expression. If the txtbox's controlsource is
currently, say, =DSum(xxx), change it to:
=Nz(DSum(xxx), 0)
If this doesn't work, let me know what the controlsource currently is.
Good Evening Nikos,

Big Sigh.... I feel like I have hit the wall of understanding. Because of
your help, I have learned so many new things in the past week. I feel like
maybe I have gotten over confident in my desire to make things perfect.

So.. here is where I am:

1. I've decided not to worry about the calendar position. You where right
about the John Viescas calendar actually being the DTpicker. Nobody but me
seems to be worried about it, so I'll leave it.

2. I will continue to work on my question A, which you answered but I got
confused so it may take me several days.

3. the Nz() did not work for what I have. I'm not exactly sure how I got
the total into the box in the first place. A friend did some wild IIF
statement, that I don't actually understand, but since it works, I've tried
not question it.

4. I went to John Viescas' website. What alot of great information he has
there. I know it will come in handy as my knowledge increases.

** You mentioned in your most recent post that you hadn't seem my project.
Would you like me to email it to you? You seem to have an email address
here, but I wasn't sure it was a correct one. It is about 15kb and I would
be happy for you to see what I've learned from you. Maybe you could make
some gentle comments!!
Please let me know.

Yes, I'd like to see your project, it will make things a lot easier. If you
are accessing the NG with Outlook (Express), click on Reply and you'll get
my address in the To box, like: nyannacoREMOVETHISBIT at in dot gr. Just do
the obvious with it before you Send - anti-spam measures... I learned the
hard way. I am on Access 2000, so if you are using a later version pls
convert back to 2000 before you send.

On the size: I doubt it could be 15KB. A new, blank .mdb in A2K before
anything is added to it, is 96KB already. Did you mean 15MB by any chance?
It can easily get to that size (and far beyond) with lots of data. If that's
the case, make a copy and remove the bulk of the data from the tables,
leaving just some representative, so it's more efficient to mail. In any
case, zipping is a good idea.

I guess we can take it all from there.


I sent off an email to you sometime this afternoon, with my project
attached. I hope I did it right !!

I'll look forward to hearing from you sometime over the holiday weekend.
I hope that your Thanksgiving is joyous and filled with family and loved ones.
Dear Nikos,

I have read all the correspondences between Lisa and you about the "Calendar".
I just can't find the solution to the porblem what I am facing with.

Would you please help me on this :

I have inserted a Calendar from the ActiveX Control on a Form, every time
when I open the Form, the Calendar display the same month which was the month
I inserted. I have to select the month if I open the Form in a different
month. I am working on a probject for the office and is about to implement
in the Users' PC in the coming month, yet I want the Calendar shows the
current month whenever the User opens the form instead of the Month when I
inserted, although the Users are able to select the Month by the Drop-down
button. I hope this can be done.

thanks and best regards,