DateDiff Error Calculating Time if Date Closed is Blank



I am using the following formula to calulate the number days between creation
date & closing date.

DaysOpen: (DateDiff("d",CDate([...DATE_CREAT]),CDate([...DATE_CLS])))

It works well as long as the both dates are complete. However, there are
times when some items have not yet been closed so the field is blank. In
this case it returns the following error "#Error" I need to get rid of this
error message and replace it with 0.

Any ideas??

John W. Vinson

I am using the following formula to calulate the number days between creation
date & closing date.

DaysOpen: (DateDiff("d",CDate([...DATE_CREAT]),CDate([...DATE_CLS])))

It works well as long as the both dates are complete. However, there are
times when some items have not yet been closed so the field is blank. In
this case it returns the following error "#Error" I need to get rid of this
error message and replace it with 0.

Any ideas??


DaysOpen: (DateDiff("d",CDate([...DATE_CREAT]),CDate(NZ([...DATE_CLS],

That is, use the NZ (Null To Zero) function to return the DATE_CLS if it
exists, and return instead the DATE_CREAT value if DATE_CLS is null


Try this to use current date if not closed.
DaysOpen: (DateDiff("d",CDate([...DATE_CREAT]),CDate(Nz([...DATE_CLS],

Mr. B


Try this:
DaysOpen: IIf(Not

Substitue "YourTableName" with the actual name of your table, "CloseDate"
with the name your your field representing the Close Date and "CreationtDate"
with the name of your filed representing the Creation Date.

Watch out for line wrap here. This should be all one line.
Mr. B
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Jerry Whittle

DaysOpen: IIf(IsNull([...DATE_CREAT] + [...DATE_CLS]) = True, 0,

CDate can't handle nulls. Hopefully the IIf above will catch the nulls first
and return the 0 before the fields are evaluated with CDate.

Daniel Pineault

Try something like:

DaysOpen: IIF(IsDate(CDate([...DATE_CREAT]))=True AND

Why are you using CDate on your fields? Are they not dates?
Hope this helps,

Daniel Pineault
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John W. Vinson

Why are you using CDate on your fields? Are they not dates?

Probably from my suggestion - I've got users who apply some... imagination...
to inputting dates, and have found that CDate() can coerce the user's input
into a date that Access can recognize. Sometimes.

John W. Vinson

You've done exactly the same as I did at first, John, and missed the extra
closing parenthesis.

The difference between the master carpenter and the journeyman...
Otherwise, what's that they say about 'great minds and

"Great minds run in the same channels; little minds run in the same

David W. Fenton

Probably from my suggestion - I've got users who apply some...
imagination... to inputting dates, and have found that CDate() can
coerce the user's input into a date that Access can recognize.

But that won't be relevant if you're applying it directly to a field
of type Date/Time.

John W. Vinson

But that won't be relevant if you're applying it directly to a field
of type Date/Time.

The intent (which may have been lost in translation) is that I was intending
that it be applied to an unbound Textbox on a form, containing a user-entered
criterion (which might or might not be in appropriate date format).

David W. Fenton

The intent (which may have been lost in translation) is that I was
intending that it be applied to an unbound Textbox on a form,
containing a user-entered criterion (which might or might not be
in appropriate date format).

I understood that, but in the present circumstance, it got applied
improperly to the table fields. I was actually surprised it didn't
throw an error, as so many of the type conversion functions croak
when you pass them the data type they are supposed to return.

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