OK, then the problem is that either [Date Received] or [Date Closed] is
Null. In that case, you have to account for Null values:
So if you want to use your existing statement:
=DateDiff("d", Nz([Date Received], Nz([Date Closed], Date())),
IIf(IsNull([Date Closed]), Date(), [Date Closed]))
....but if you want to use mine:
=DateDiff("d", Nz([Date Received], Nz([Date Closed], Date())),
Closed], Date()))
Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Sydney, Australia
Johnny said:
Graham.The error message is as follows...'The expression you entered
has a
function containing the wrong number of arguments' The formula is
into the control source field of a text box.
I think the use of IIf() in this case, is unnecessary. The Nz()
would be a more appropriate choice:
DateDiff("d", [Date Received], Nz([Date Closed], Date())
But to answer your question about why the DateDiff statement fails; it
depends on what error you're getting. You said it returns an
error" - what's an "arguments error"?
It also depends on where you're using the statement - in a query, as a
control's RecordSource or DefaultValue, or in code?
Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Sydney, Australia
I have a form that records a date received and a date closed field
others in a table. I wish to count the number of days from date
until current day if the date closed field has not been completed. I
received the following advice, but it returns an arguments error.
DateDiff("d", [Date Received], IIf(IsNull([Date Closed], Date(),
I have tried to fix this but unfortunately I am too dumb!!