Your question reminds me of an old joke ---
St. Peter told a man who had just died that he had to answer just one
question to get into heaven. The question was, "How many days of the week
begin with T". With no hesitation the man shouted out "Four". St. Peter
rolled his eyes upward and asked the man, "How did you get Four?". The man
replied, "Tuesday, Thursday, Today and Tomorrow". Would you let the man into
PC Datasheet
fredg said:
Jeff, Ken,
Thanks for the quick reply.
This is what I ended up with.
First I formatted the control to give me the date.
Then I formatted the date to get the day
This produces Mon for Monday
Then I used the left function to pull the M from the string Mon
If you can see any problems with this process, please let me know.
Thanks again.
** snipped **
And how will your 1 character day name allow the user to differentiate
between Tuesday and Thursday, or Saturday and Sunday?