DateAdd Function

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I am VERY new at this. I am trying to set a default "Date Due" to be 7 days
from the "Date Out" unless the "Student" option is selected, then I want the
"Date Due" to be 1 day from the "Date Out." Please help!
Christ4 said:
I am VERY new at this. I am trying to set a default "Date Due" to be
7 days from the "Date Out" unless the "Student" option is selected,
then I want the "Date Due" to be 1 day from the "Date Out." Please

You can't use the actual DefaultValue property for this. That is applied as
soon as the new record is painted on the screen before your [Date Out] field
has been populated. What you can do is "push" a value into the [Date Due]
field in the AfterUpdate event of the TextBox used for [Date Out].

If Me![Student] = True Then
Me![Date Due] = DateAdd("d", 1, Me![Date Out])
Me![Date Due] = DateAdd("d", 7, Me![Date Out])
End If

You might need to put similar code in the AfterUpdate of the [Student]
control in case they change that after setting the [Date Out].

However; if this rule is *always* true (no exceptions), then [Date Due]
should not even be a field stored in your table. It should just be
calculated on-the-fly based on the other two fields. You can do that in
queries, forms, and reports making actual storage of the result unnecessary
and unwise.

Example of that on-the-fly expression in a query would be...

Date Due: IIf([Student]=True, DateAdd("d", 1, [Date Out]), DateAdd("d", 7,
[Date Out]))

By calculating instead of storing you are guaranteed to always have the
correct result for the Date Due. As soon as you save it in your table it
could be changed there or either of the other two fields could be changed
making the record incorrect.
Thank You! I will try this. When you mean *Always* true, I think that is
what I need. This is a database of keys. When a student is checking out a
key, it will always be due back the next day. If a teacher is checking out a
key, it will always be due back in 7 days. I was trying to set this function
up NOT in the table, but in the form ( property of the [Date Due]) . Is that
what you were referring to?

Rick Brandt said:
Christ4 said:
I am VERY new at this. I am trying to set a default "Date Due" to be
7 days from the "Date Out" unless the "Student" option is selected,
then I want the "Date Due" to be 1 day from the "Date Out." Please

You can't use the actual DefaultValue property for this. That is applied as
soon as the new record is painted on the screen before your [Date Out] field
has been populated. What you can do is "push" a value into the [Date Due]
field in the AfterUpdate event of the TextBox used for [Date Out].

If Me![Student] = True Then
Me![Date Due] = DateAdd("d", 1, Me![Date Out])
Me![Date Due] = DateAdd("d", 7, Me![Date Out])
End If

You might need to put similar code in the AfterUpdate of the [Student]
control in case they change that after setting the [Date Out].

However; if this rule is *always* true (no exceptions), then [Date Due]
should not even be a field stored in your table. It should just be
calculated on-the-fly based on the other two fields. You can do that in
queries, forms, and reports making actual storage of the result unnecessary
and unwise.

Example of that on-the-fly expression in a query would be...

Date Due: IIf([Student]=True, DateAdd("d", 1, [Date Out]), DateAdd("d", 7,
[Date Out]))

By calculating instead of storing you are guaranteed to always have the
correct result for the Date Due. As soon as you save it in your table it
could be changed there or either of the other two fields could be changed
making the record incorrect.
Christ4 said:
Thank You! I will try this. When you mean *Always* true, I think
that is what I need. This is a database of keys. When a student is
checking out a key, it will always be due back the next day. If a
teacher is checking out a key, it will always be due back in 7 days.
I was trying to set this function up NOT in the table, but in the
form ( property of the [Date Due]) . Is that what you were referring
