


I am creating a spreadsheet for a small business that has incoming cas
on a daily basis, and outgoing payments on a monthly basis, Th
payments occur on the same date every month but what i want to be abl
to do is create a formula that will automatically put in the payment
on a given day every month (each month being on a seperate sheet) I wa
looking to create a daterange formula but connot seem to get it to wor


This is the formula i have used (B2:I2) being the date range ie

8/11/04 to 14/11/04


Ron Rosenfeld

I am creating a spreadsheet for a small business that has incoming cash
on a daily basis, and outgoing payments on a monthly basis, The
payments occur on the same date every month but what i want to be able
to do is create a formula that will automatically put in the payments
on a given day every month (each month being on a seperate sheet) I was
looking to create a daterange formula but connot seem to get it to work


This is the formula i have used (B2:I2) being the date range ie

8/11/04 to 14/11/04


You need a somewhat different syntax, and also you need to enter an

The array-formula:


will return TRUE if the day of the month today is same as any day of the month
in the range B2:I2. Otherwise it will return FALSE.

To enter an array-formula, hold down <ctrl><shift> while hitting <enter>. XL
will place braces {...} around the formula.


Arvi Laanemets


Here is an example of somewhat different design - I made it on fly, so you
probalbly have to improve it a bit.

Let's start with empty workbook.

Create a sheet SetUp
Into Cell B1 enter the number of year, the book is responding to.
Define the cell B1 as named range Year

From D2 down enter account codes/names/numbers - i.e. some identifier about
who is related to payment. Accounts column must be contignous!
Define the named range Accounts

Create a sheet Payments
A1:E1 enter headers
Selected, Account, Day, Income, Outcome
Format Account column (reasonable number of rows) as data validation list
with source
Fill columns B:E with payment info - select account, into Day column enter
the payment day number, into Income and Outcome columns enter according
sums. You can have both income and outcome on same row in case they have
same payment day number, but it isn't restricted to enter them on separate
rows too.
To Selected column I'll return later!
Define the named range PaymentsTbl
Define the named range PaymentsSelected
PS! To avoid possible problems in future, sort the payments table Ascenfing
by Day column - and keep it always so.

Create a sheet MonthlyRep
Format cell B1 as data validation list with source
Define named range MonthX

A3:D3 enter column headers
Date, Account, Incoming, Outcoming
Format cells A5:D5 with appropriate formats and copy them down for some
reasonable number of rows. When a month in cell B1 is selected, all payments
in this month with payment date <= todays date are dispalyed
Into cell C4 enter the formula
and into D4
where ## is the number of last row with formula below.

Create a sheet AccountRep
Format cell B1 as data validation list with source
Define the named range AccountX

Now we have to return to sheet Payments
Into Payments!A2 enter the formula
and copy it down at least for same number of rows you have filled the
payments table (but it'll be clever to have some additional rows ready).

Return to AccountRep sheet. Into range A3:C3 enter column headings
Date, Incoming, Outcoming
Select cell A5 and define named ranges
Into cell A5 enter the formula
Format cells A5:C5, and copy down for at least
12*(MaxNumberOfPaymentsForAccount) rows.
Into cells B4;C4 enter formulas for totals, like on MonthlyRep sheet.

When an Account in cell B1 is selected, all payments from start of year
until current date (or until to end of year) for selected account are

NB! When p.e. payment date 31 is entered into Payments table, then for
months with less than 31 days the last of month is displayed as payment date
in reports!

When next year begins, you copy the worbook under new name, change the year
on SetUp sheet, Edit Accounts and Payments tables on necessitate, and are
done with it.

This setup works when payments lasts full year. When this isn't a case, you
have to add at least 2 columns (StartDate, EndDate), on Payments sheet, and
have to modufy formulas which return dates on report sheets - so that Dates
validity is checked.

Arvi Laanemets

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