Date variable

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I have three queries, two of which ask the same question:

Between [Beginning Date] and [End Date]

I put them in a macro so that the macros runs the three queries in
sucession. How to I prevent having to ask the user twice to input the range
of dates to be queried?
Create a form, with 2 text boxes for the 2 dates.

In the criteria of your query, use this kind of thing:
Between [Forms].[Form1].[Beginning Date] And
[Forms].[Form1].[End Date]

If the form is open, the queries will read the dates from the form.
Thanks to both of you. Works great. Very cool. Thanks again.

Allen Browne said:
Create a form, with 2 text boxes for the 2 dates.

In the criteria of your query, use this kind of thing:
Between [Forms].[Form1].[Beginning Date] And
[Forms].[Form1].[End Date]

If the form is open, the queries will read the dates from the form.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

OEB said:
I have three queries, two of which ask the same question:

Between [Beginning Date] and [End Date]

I put them in a macro so that the macros runs the three queries in
sucession. How to I prevent having to ask the user twice to input the
of dates to be queried?