Been trying all day
This is what I have
Give a date that shows when I would have to leave to arrive at a pre
determined date taking into account speed & distance. Driving for 10 hrs and
resting for 8hrs, with cell formatted for DATE
=F4-(C4+8*INT(C4/10))/24 gives the time I would have to leave to
arrive at a pre determined time taking into account speed & distance.
Driving for 10 hrs and resting for 8hrs with cell formatted for TIME
e.g.... F4 = del date 1/1/03
C4 is hrs to drive ( 1000 mi @ 70 mph)
result = a leave time & date of 12/31/02, 9:42 Am
I thought by rearranging the formula some and adding the NOW() argument(?)
I could get it to show the time & date I would arrive at a pre determined
distance traveling at 70mph. It didn't work, Guess I should have paid better
attention to those if a train leaves station A traveling at........ problems
in school! What I was trying to do was get the sheet to work in reverse. I
think it was Robert or Chip who came up with the formula previously.
Anyone have any suggestions?
This is what I have
Give a date that shows when I would have to leave to arrive at a pre
determined date taking into account speed & distance. Driving for 10 hrs and
resting for 8hrs, with cell formatted for DATE
=F4-(C4+8*INT(C4/10))/24 gives the time I would have to leave to
arrive at a pre determined time taking into account speed & distance.
Driving for 10 hrs and resting for 8hrs with cell formatted for TIME
e.g.... F4 = del date 1/1/03
C4 is hrs to drive ( 1000 mi @ 70 mph)
result = a leave time & date of 12/31/02, 9:42 Am
I thought by rearranging the formula some and adding the NOW() argument(?)
I could get it to show the time & date I would arrive at a pre determined
distance traveling at 70mph. It didn't work, Guess I should have paid better
attention to those if a train leaves station A traveling at........ problems
in school! What I was trying to do was get the sheet to work in reverse. I
think it was Robert or Chip who came up with the formula previously.
Anyone have any suggestions?