If the date of the notes is important, would you consider creating a related
table to hold the notes?
That way you can use an actual date/time field (and a "user" field if
desired), and easily sort/filter the notes as desired.
The alternative to add today's date to the end of the memo field on a new
line would be:
Private Sub cmdAddNote_Click()
With Me.[NameOfYourMemoFieldHere]
.Value = .Value + vbCrLf & Date
End With
End Sub
Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
Andy said:
I have a field in all of my forms for notes. Is there a command that I
run that will autofill the date and time everytime I select it. For
example, press button today, today's date entered, then I enter notes.
Press button tomorrow, date is enter below that note ect.... Just looking
for some tips. Thanks........