Eric G
Our server time is slipping badly but our tech maintenance guy has
chosen not to fix the clock on the server at this time. As a result,
all of our computer clocks are off by about 10 hrs now.
We have a report that needs to be printed each day that has a couple
of date-time fields.
At the top of the report is a field with the formula =Now() with
format Long Date showing today's date.
At the bottom is a field with the formula =Now() with format Medium
time, showing the current time.
Of the two, the top date is the more critical at this time, as it is
just about an hour away from telling the wrong date whenever the
report is printed.
How can I change the two formulas so that about 10 hrs. are _added to
TIA Eric
chosen not to fix the clock on the server at this time. As a result,
all of our computer clocks are off by about 10 hrs now.
We have a report that needs to be printed each day that has a couple
of date-time fields.
At the top of the report is a field with the formula =Now() with
format Long Date showing today's date.
At the bottom is a field with the formula =Now() with format Medium
time, showing the current time.
Of the two, the top date is the more critical at this time, as it is
just about an hour away from telling the wrong date whenever the
report is printed.
How can I change the two formulas so that about 10 hrs. are _added to
TIA Eric