I get an error message with the following sql statement. It
does not seem to like the format "short date". Could
someone check the syntax for me and see where I've gone astray?
sSQL = "TRANSFORM Sum(qryBillingSummary.Hrs) AS SumOfHrs " _
& "SELECT qryBillingSummary.Name,
qryBillingSummary.MedRecNum, " _
& "qryBillingSummary.AdmitDate,
qryBillingSummary.Diagnosis, " _
& "qryBillingSummary.PlanName " _
& "FROM qryBillingSummary " _
& "WHERE qryBillingSummary.AdmitDate between bdate and
edate " _
& "GROUP BY qryBillingSummary.Name,
qryBillingSummary.MedRecNum, " _
& "qryBillingSummary.AdmitDate,
qryBillingSummary.Diagnosis, " _
& "qryBillingSummary.PlanName " _
& "PIVOT Format([AdmitDate],"short date")"
Thank you in advance!
does not seem to like the format "short date". Could
someone check the syntax for me and see where I've gone astray?
sSQL = "TRANSFORM Sum(qryBillingSummary.Hrs) AS SumOfHrs " _
& "SELECT qryBillingSummary.Name,
qryBillingSummary.MedRecNum, " _
& "qryBillingSummary.AdmitDate,
qryBillingSummary.Diagnosis, " _
& "qryBillingSummary.PlanName " _
& "FROM qryBillingSummary " _
& "WHERE qryBillingSummary.AdmitDate between bdate and
edate " _
& "GROUP BY qryBillingSummary.Name,
qryBillingSummary.MedRecNum, " _
& "qryBillingSummary.AdmitDate,
qryBillingSummary.Diagnosis, " _
& "qryBillingSummary.PlanName " _
& "PIVOT Format([AdmitDate],"short date")"
Thank you in advance!