No matter which date format I choose, the results of my crosstab query are
sorted in alpha order! I verified the variable declaration in my table is
date/time & even tried to change the properties of the crosstab to reflect
the date format. Below is my SQL. Please tell me what I'm doing wrong!
SELECT allpmdata.SEV, Format([DATE_CLOSED],"yyyy-mmm") AS DteClosed,
Count(allpmdata.KEY_ID) AS CountOfKEY_ID, Count(allpmdata.KEY_ID) AS [Total
Of KEY_ID] INTO tblMonthly_By_Severity
FROM allpmdata
GROUP BY allpmdata.SEV, Format([DATE_CLOSED],"yyyy-mmm")
ORDER BY Format([DATE_CLOSED],"yyyy-mmm");
sorted in alpha order! I verified the variable declaration in my table is
date/time & even tried to change the properties of the crosstab to reflect
the date format. Below is my SQL. Please tell me what I'm doing wrong!
SELECT allpmdata.SEV, Format([DATE_CLOSED],"yyyy-mmm") AS DteClosed,
Count(allpmdata.KEY_ID) AS CountOfKEY_ID, Count(allpmdata.KEY_ID) AS [Total
Of KEY_ID] INTO tblMonthly_By_Severity
FROM allpmdata
GROUP BY allpmdata.SEV, Format([DATE_CLOSED],"yyyy-mmm")
ORDER BY Format([DATE_CLOSED],"yyyy-mmm");