Date restrictor for this week




I want to create a report that will always give sales for the current week
starting with monday and going to friday. We are closed on Saturday and
Sunday but if a sales manager runs a report on friday or saturday, it would
give him sales for this week.


John Vinson


I want to create a report that will always give sales for the current week
starting with monday and going to friday. We are closed on Saturday and
Sunday but if a sales manager runs a report on friday or saturday, it would
give him sales for this week.


You can use Access' builtin date functions to do this. A criterion of
= DateAdd("d", -DatePart("w", Date()), Date()) AND < DateAdd("d", 8-DatePart("w", Date()), Date())

will get from the previous Sunday through next Sunday.

John W. Vinson[MVP]

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