Looking for the cleanest (read less code) to validate a
date range input value. Example: DateofService label for
two input boxes - From 3/1/04 thru 2/1/04 - How do I
prevent this from occuring? Obviously we can't go back in
time (at least not yet!). And display a simple error msg
box. Also, to prevent a date range in the future ( 3/1/05 -
3/5/05). This app is primarliy used for patients visiting
a doctor's office (not making an appointment BUT the dates
they stayed in the clinic).
Looking for the cleanest (read less code) to validate a
date range input value. Example: DateofService label for
two input boxes - From 3/1/04 thru 2/1/04 - How do I
prevent this from occuring? Obviously we can't go back in
time (at least not yet!). And display a simple error msg
box. Also, to prevent a date range in the future ( 3/1/05 -
3/5/05). This app is primarliy used for patients visiting
a doctor's office (not making an appointment BUT the dates
they stayed in the clinic).