Date Range for X-Axis Labels

  • Thread starter Thread starter sony654
  • Start date Start date


I want my line chart to plot to 9 dates selected from the worksheet. How do
I get the x-axis scale to match and display my dates? I am using the x-axis
labels option and it doesn't return the dates on the x-axis of my chart.
Thanks for your help. Tom
By default, Excel applies a time or date scale axis, which includes all of
the dates as if it were a continuous scale, with ticks and labels at regular
intervals. If you want only to show specific dates without regard to the
date (i.e., with data points equally spaced), change to a category type
axis. In 2003 and earlier, go to Chart menu > Chart Options > Axes tab, and
change Automatic to Category. In 2007 select the axis, right click and
choose Format Axis, then on the first pane you encounter, change from Date
Axis to Text Axis.

- Jon
Jon, Sorry for the late reply and rating. Your advice was right on and much
appreciated - Tom