I've been studying samples of code from your web site to improve my skill
level. In the fragment below, why do you declare varDOB as Variant, only to
later validate it as a Date in the If IsDate statement? Why not just declare
varDOB as Date? For that matter, why not declare Age as Integer instead of
Function Age(varDOB As Variant) As Variant
If IsDate(varDOB) Then
dtDOB = varDOB
I've been studying samples of code from your web site to improve my skill
level. In the fragment below, why do you declare varDOB as Variant, only to
later validate it as a Date in the If IsDate statement? Why not just declare
varDOB as Date? For that matter, why not declare Age as Integer instead of
Function Age(varDOB As Variant) As Variant
If IsDate(varDOB) Then
dtDOB = varDOB