I have a table which records the dates students received their latest karate belt. The fields are BID (Belt ID), SNAME (Student Name), PRANK (Promotion Rank) and PROMD (Promotion Date). Using a query generously supplied by this group (SELECT Max ( [PROMD] ) FROM BELT AS X WHERE X.SNAME=BELT.SNAME), I can now query on the very last date of belt promotion for each student
However, I need to calculate attendance from this last belt promotion to determine if the student is eligible to test again (karate rules state required hours of class participation between belts). I have another table which records attendance. The karate owner uses a book to record daily attendance and records only a cumulative number at the end of the month. The table for attendance has the following fields: AID (attendance ID), SNAME (Student Name), ATT (Number of attendances for the month) and MONTH (the month and year)
I am unsure how to use the queried last date and the date today to achieve a sum of the number of attendances from the last belt promotion to the date of the query. Any help would be MOST appreciated