Dear Microsoft:
Since we all know that the cost of a 1st class stamp is going to go up, I
thought I would plot the cost over time.
1. I formatted a column as DATE, but the 3 dates prior to 1900 that I
entered as x-x-xxxx were not recognized by Excel as dates. (??!!???!). When
I reentered them as x/x/xxxx Excel recogized July 1, 1885, but not the other
2. (Huh?)
2. So then I charted the dates and the costs as a line chart, the costs are
displayed ok. The dates are displayed on the x-axis, but the dates are
equidistant. That's not what I had in mind. And when I tried an x-y chart,
it got even more pitiful. (I'd tell you how pitiful, except this "New
Question" window isn't a window, it's commaneered my entire screen . . . )
Really, this is easy. Or am I missing something?
Thanks for your help,
Since we all know that the cost of a 1st class stamp is going to go up, I
thought I would plot the cost over time.
1. I formatted a column as DATE, but the 3 dates prior to 1900 that I
entered as x-x-xxxx were not recognized by Excel as dates. (??!!???!). When
I reentered them as x/x/xxxx Excel recogized July 1, 1885, but not the other
2. (Huh?)
2. So then I charted the dates and the costs as a line chart, the costs are
displayed ok. The dates are displayed on the x-axis, but the dates are
equidistant. That's not what I had in mind. And when I tried an x-y chart,
it got even more pitiful. (I'd tell you how pitiful, except this "New
Question" window isn't a window, it's commaneered my entire screen . . . )
Really, this is easy. Or am I missing something?
Thanks for your help,