Using a query I access data in my table based on a date and time criteria
entered on frmMyTrans. It workd fine on development machine but when
distributed it does not work on all machines.
Date format - "mm/dd/yyyy"
Time format - "hh:mm AMPM"
The SQL statement below works fine on some computers but does not find the
data on others, depending on the date/time format of the user machine.
rst.recordcount should return 1 as one matching record definitely exists in
the table.
The error may be that qryMyTransactions.MeetingDate appears as #04/03/04# on
some machines. The query is searching for date in mm/dd/yyyy format, ie:
#03/04/2004#. Therefore the query does not find the data.
Can someone please help me with a solution ?
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL as string
Set db = CurrentDb
strSQL = "SELECT *"
strSQL = strSQL & " FROM qryMyTransactions"
strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE (((qryMyTransactions.MeetingDate)=#" &
Forms!frmMyTrans![txtShortDate] & "#)"
strSQL = strSQL & " AND ((qryMyTransactions.MeetingTiming)=#" &
Forms!frmMyTrans![txtFormatTime] & "#))"
strSQL = strSQL & " ORDER by qryMyTransactions.Order"
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
MsgBox strSQL
MsgBox rst.RecordCount
entered on frmMyTrans. It workd fine on development machine but when
distributed it does not work on all machines.
Date format - "mm/dd/yyyy"
Time format - "hh:mm AMPM"
The SQL statement below works fine on some computers but does not find the
data on others, depending on the date/time format of the user machine.
rst.recordcount should return 1 as one matching record definitely exists in
the table.
The error may be that qryMyTransactions.MeetingDate appears as #04/03/04# on
some machines. The query is searching for date in mm/dd/yyyy format, ie:
#03/04/2004#. Therefore the query does not find the data.
Can someone please help me with a solution ?
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL as string
Set db = CurrentDb
strSQL = "SELECT *"
strSQL = strSQL & " FROM qryMyTransactions"
strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE (((qryMyTransactions.MeetingDate)=#" &
Forms!frmMyTrans![txtShortDate] & "#)"
strSQL = strSQL & " AND ((qryMyTransactions.MeetingTiming)=#" &
Forms!frmMyTrans![txtFormatTime] & "#))"
strSQL = strSQL & " ORDER by qryMyTransactions.Order"
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
MsgBox strSQL
MsgBox rst.RecordCount