Hello. I am trying to make a music database.
First problem: I input minutes/seconds into a short time field...which is
really hours and minutes i guess.
how do i convert 4h:33 min into 4min:33 seconds without losing the data?
(if i change the time format to n:ss i get 43:0 instead of the desired
And..is there an easy way to do the same thing media player does when loggin
music CDs?
ie if i stick in a music CD, how can i grab the track info without having to
manually input them?
TIA for any help
First problem: I input minutes/seconds into a short time field...which is
really hours and minutes i guess.
how do i convert 4h:33 min into 4min:33 seconds without losing the data?
(if i change the time format to n:ss i get 43:0 instead of the desired
And..is there an easy way to do the same thing media player does when loggin
music CDs?
ie if i stick in a music CD, how can i grab the track info without having to
manually input them?
TIA for any help