The toolbox contains a rectanglar thingy with "xyz" across the top.
It's an option group.
Put one on your form.
Then put option buttons inside it (from the toolbox).
Each option button gets a different value.
When you open the form and the user clicks on a button, the option group
(named Frame0 by default) gets the value of that button. If they click on
another option button, the first one is automatically deselected, and the
Value of the option group changes.
You can create an option group that lists the reports you want to show to
your user. Add command button to preview the report. User selects a report,
and clicks the preview button. It runs the code below to open the desired
Private Sub cmdPreview_Click()
Dim strReport As String
Select Case Me.Frame0.Value
Case Me.Option1.OptionValue
strReport = "MyReport"
Case Me.Option3.OptionValue
strReport = "MyOtherReport"
End Select
If Len(strReport) = 0 Then
MsgBox "What report was that?"
DoCmd.OpenReport strReport, acViewPreview
End If
End Sub
Now you can also add code to the AfterUpdate event of the option group to
show or hide the appropriate boxes for the user to filter the reports. You
then build up a string like a WHERE to use as the WhereCondition of the
OpenReport action. This means that you are providing a huge range of
possible filtering options for the user to create reports based on a date
period, etc. It does involve some code, but it is incredibly flexible for
the users.
Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
René said:
WayWAy Cool!
That absolutely hit the spot, thanks for making me look good!
Couple of quick tweaking questions.
You said that I could use this form on all sorts of reports, I'm not
familiar with Options groups or how to use a single form or list box to use
the same form for more than one report. Or did I mis-interpret what you were
referring to