N Nick P Aug 26, 2003 #1 Say I have a list of birthdates (ex: 4/19/1960) and want to put the age in a column next to it. What is the formula?
Say I have a list of birthdates (ex: 4/19/1960) and want to put the age in a column next to it. What is the formula?
D Dave Peterson Aug 27, 2003 #2 Take a look at Chip Pearson's site: http://www.cpearson.com/excel/datedif.htm And print those instructions. This function only appears in the xl2k help (but it's available to use for all).
Take a look at Chip Pearson's site: http://www.cpearson.com/excel/datedif.htm And print those instructions. This function only appears in the xl2k help (but it's available to use for all).
2 2rrs Aug 27, 2003 #3 With dob in D3; =DATEDIF(D3,NOW(),"y")&" years, "&DATEDIF(D3,NOW(),"ym")&" months, "&DATEDIF(D3,NOW(),"md")&" days" 4/19/1960= 43y, 4m, 7d.
With dob in D3; =DATEDIF(D3,NOW(),"y")&" years, "&DATEDIF(D3,NOW(),"ym")&" months, "&DATEDIF(D3,NOW(),"md")&" days" 4/19/1960= 43y, 4m, 7d.
M MeAgain Aug 27, 2003 #4 Hi Can you put also the Hours Minutes and secounds in this fomulas ie 4/19/1960= 43Years, 4Months, 7Days, 5Hours, 23Minutes, 15Seconds. Thanks
Hi Can you put also the Hours Minutes and secounds in this fomulas ie 4/19/1960= 43Years, 4Months, 7Days, 5Hours, 23Minutes, 15Seconds. Thanks
R Rafael Ortiz Aug 27, 2003 #5 In its simplest form: =(TODAY()-A1)/365 Assumes your date is in cell A1. Make sure you format this cell to Number with the desired decimal places AFTER you put the formula into it. Then copy down to other cells as needed.... MRO
In its simplest form: =(TODAY()-A1)/365 Assumes your date is in cell A1. Make sure you format this cell to Number with the desired decimal places AFTER you put the formula into it. Then copy down to other cells as needed.... MRO