I need to work out ages from dates of birth I have on an Excel spreadsheet.
Ideally I would like to calculate age ranges, e.g. 16-20, 21-30, 31-40,
41-50, 51-60, 60+.
I am relatively new to using formulae on Excel and have tried using the tips
already posted on this site but have not been able to get this to work!
Calculating Age
You can use the DATEDIF to calculate a person's age. For example, the
formula below will calculate the age of a person as of the current date,
where BirthDate is the person's date of birth.
=DATEDIF(BirthDate,TODAY(),"y")&" years "&DATEDIF(BirthDate,TODAY(),"ym")&"
months "&DATEDIF(BirthDate,TODAY(),"md")&" days"
I have the TODAY formula in N, and the Dates of birth are in column E. I
just need to know where to add the data and a real step-by-step guide for an
Excel dummy! If someone can help me with this that would be great
Ideally I would like to calculate age ranges, e.g. 16-20, 21-30, 31-40,
41-50, 51-60, 60+.
I am relatively new to using formulae on Excel and have tried using the tips
already posted on this site but have not been able to get this to work!
Calculating Age
You can use the DATEDIF to calculate a person's age. For example, the
formula below will calculate the age of a person as of the current date,
where BirthDate is the person's date of birth.
=DATEDIF(BirthDate,TODAY(),"y")&" years "&DATEDIF(BirthDate,TODAY(),"ym")&"
months "&DATEDIF(BirthDate,TODAY(),"md")&" days"
I have the TODAY formula in N, and the Dates of birth are in column E. I
just need to know where to add the data and a real step-by-step guide for an
Excel dummy! If someone can help me with this that would be great