Date Macro filter


mister z

Hey guys,
Need help with code to do the follolwing:
Project |Project Date |Todays Date
100190 |11-Oct-2005 |10/14/05 08:34 AM
100190 |12-Oct-2005 |10/14/05 08:34 AM
100190 |13-Oct-2005 |10/14/05 08:34 AM
100190 |14-Oct-2005 |10/14/05 08:34 AM
100220 |15-Oct-2005 |10/14/05 08:34 AM
100252 |16-Oct-2005 |10/14/05 08:34 AM
100257 |17-Oct-2005 |10/14/05 08:34 AM
100275 |18-Oct-2005 |10/14/05 08:34 AM
100275 |19-Oct-2005 |10/14/05 08:34 AM

I have 3 columns: Project, Project Date, and todays date.
I would like to filter out all days less than OCT 14th(Today) and + 2
days and spit this to sheet 2. So sheet 2 would show:

Project |Project Date |Todays Date
100190 |11-Oct-2005 |10/14/05 08:34 AM
100190 |12-Oct-2005 |10/14/05 08:34 AM
100190 |13-Oct-2005 |10/14/05 08:34 AM
100190 |14-Oct-2005 |10/14/05 08:34 AM
100220 |15-Oct-2005 |10/14/05 08:34 AM
100252 |16-Oct-2005 |10/14/05 08:34 AM

I tried a few things but nothing was working

Any help is appreciated.

Tom Ogilvy

Put in a dummy column where you subtract the two dates, then autofilter on
that column.

You can get most of the code you need with the macro recorder.

Another approach would be to use the advanced filter with a calculated

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