My database in Access tracks investments. In addition to other fields, I have
the following:
Maturity Date [MatureDate]
Amount Invested [AmtInv]
I would like to create a report that groups and totals the Amounts Invested,
using the current date Now() as reference, by:
30 days or less to maturity
31-60 days to maturity
61 – 90 days to maturity
91 – 120 days to maturity
121 Days or More
the following:
Maturity Date [MatureDate]
Amount Invested [AmtInv]
I would like to create a report that groups and totals the Amounts Invested,
using the current date Now() as reference, by:
30 days or less to maturity
31-60 days to maturity
61 – 90 days to maturity
91 – 120 days to maturity
121 Days or More