Date with return on formula



I got the formula from my previous post but now think something is wrong
with XL, here is what I am doing in cells
A1 30 A2 6 A1 2005
Formula in A4 =DATE(A1,A2,A3)-10 Cell set to custom dd mm yy
A4 returns 16/11/35 ( I reckon it should be 20/06/05)
If I enter 25 5 2005 it returns 16/10/30 ( I reckon this should
be 15/05/05)

I have noticed A1 (dd) changes the YY in the return? Also and I can`t
find it again but something that said excel for years up to 1999 Do I have
an outdated version of excel?


Aladin Akyurek

If A1 houses a day number, A2 a month number, and A3 a year...


would calculate as intended.


Ok thanks for being patient with me on the 2 posts, It is now sorted.

thanks much appreciated

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