Date formatting a text box

  • Thread starter Thread starter JENNA
  • Start date Start date


Hi all,

I have a text box in a userform (eg. txtmydate) that I wish to accept
valid date entries only such as: dd/mmm/yyyy.

When the userform is initialised, is there a way to have the text box
display two spaces followed by a '/' and accept only 2 numeric
characters there for the day (eg. 15), and display three spaces
followed by a '/' and accept only 3 text characters there for the
month (eg. Feb), and then accept only 4 numeric characters for the
year (eg. 2004).

So the text box would initial look something like: ' / / '

and a valid entry would be something like 15/Feb/2004.

Thanks again group for your help.

There is no setting for using a "mask" such as you describe.

You could probably write code in the change event to simulate this, but I
expect it would be very clumsy. Probably easier to tell the use what you
want, what format to use, then use the after update to evaluate their entry
and accept or reject it. Or you could use three separate textboxes to get
the three parts of the date.
Thanks Tom - at least now I know it can't be done. As you suggested,
I'll probably now go for the three separate textboxes approach.

Regards Jen

I don't think Tom said it can't be done, it certainly can, but he questioned
whether it was worth the effort. The three text box with labels in between
is a far simpler design, will look like a lot of web pages you see every
day, and can have automated tabbing.

I think you have made a wise choice.



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)