***Repost--I don't see a copy of a reply I sent earlier***
Hi Fel,
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I can't get the query-only based
method to work, specifically for the 11th, 12th and 13th of the month. I made
some modifications to the function that I referenced earlier, which are shown
below. Try the following as an experiment:
1.) Create a table named Orders, with a field named ShippedDate.
2.) Add one record for each day of the month, for a month that includes 31
days, such as July. Just for fun, add one more record that does not include a
date in the ShippedDate field (null).
3.) Copy the following SQL statement and paste it into a new query:
SELECT Orders.ShippedDate,
Day([ShippedDate]) & fncOrdinal([ShippedDate])
AS DayOfMonthFunction,
Day([ShippedDate]) & Nz(Choose(1+Day([ShippedDate]) Mod
AS DayOfMonthSQL,
IIf(Day([ShippedDate]) & fncOrdinal([ShippedDate])=Day([ShippedDate]) &
Nz(Choose(1+Day([ShippedDate]) Mod 10,"th","st","nd","rd"),"th"),"Yes","NO")
AS [Are They Equal?]
FROM Orders
ORDER BY Orders.ShippedDate;
4.) Copy the following function into a new module. Name the module something
like basDateOrdinal (just don't name it the same as the function):
'*******************Begin Code*********************
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Function fncOrdinal(ByVal varDate As Variant) As String
Dim intNumber As Integer
If Not IsNull(varDate) Then
intNumber = Day(varDate)
Select Case Right$(intNumber, 1)
Case "1"
If Right$(intNumber, 2) = "11" Then
fncOrdinal = "th"
fncOrdinal = "st"
End If
Case "2"
If Right$(intNumber, 2) = "12" Then
fncOrdinal = "th"
fncOrdinal = "nd"
End If
Case "3"
If Right$(intNumber, 2) = "13" Then
fncOrdinal = "th"
fncOrdinal = "rd"
End If
Case Else
fncOrdinal = "th"
End Select
End If
End Function
'*******************End Code**********************
5.) Run the query. I think you will see how the SQL only solution leaves
something to be desired, especially for the 11, 12 and 13th of the month.
Tom, I had it figured out in query based. It works perfectly well. Lots of