Date format with Excel 2007



I have a problem with Excel 2007, I have some cells with a date value
(11/06/2008), but when I save the file, close it and open it again, in cells
I have this 39758.
I formatted these cell to a date format, any date format, and when I save,
close and open the file, I have 39758 once again. This only happens with a
couple of files.
Can you tell me what is wrong with this?
How can I keep the date format in these cells?

Thank you kindly in advance for your help.

Ed Gonzalez


Are the cells populated using a macro when the file is opened?

Apparently the values in the cells are being overwritten by new values with
numeric/general format.
Save a copy then in the copy
Copy and PASTE SPECIAL|Values in place and see whether the problem reoccurs.


Thank you for your quick response.

No, the file is not populated by a macro.
I did what you suggested me, and not worked. I'm still having the same values.
It's strange.


Can you send the file to me?
id to_sheeloo
add to the id

Also change few of the cell values to something like Testing...
in few cells enter a new date, highlight them etc. just to see whether they
remain when you repopen or get overwritten..

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