Date filters in List for Excel 2003?

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I've created a list/table in which one column contains date cells. In Excel
2007, clicking on the head-cell gives us filters like "Last week", "this
week", etc which are very handy.

I open the same Excel file in Excel 2003 but I can't find those date
filters. So I suppose that are something specific in Excel 2007. So my
question is simple and easy to guess:
How to make those filters in Excel 2003? I don't need all the filters, but
just the week-filters. OTOH, I would like to make sure that whatever is done
won't create problem in Excel 2007, because the same file is supposed to be
open in Excel 2003 and Excel 2007.
Dan DeHaven said:
Yes, those filters are new to Excel 2007 and aren't available in 2003 or
prior. Mainly because of the new "Table" functionality that came with

My only suggestion is to create another column of data in your list

This is not a problem.
that identifies the date/week the way you need it for filtering.

I'm not sure I understood what this means.
have to do some testing in 2003 with the different date functions but
I'm sure you can find more help online.

I've done several search but in vain. Maybe I'm not sure what I'm looking
for, or I didn't use the right keywords.
As long as you can add another
column to your data with causing issues.

Let me know specifically what you want to filter on, just by week or
any others? And I can give you some guidance.

If you could tell me how to make a filter for "This week", I think I could
cope with the others.