I have a report based on query, which has one date field.
I am using form with combos for filtering report before printing, and all
works fine,- except the date...
When I manualy enter criteria into query, like " between #dd/mm/yy# and
#dd/mm/yy# " it works fine,- but since I need users to choose,- I have split
the Date field on form into 2 text boxes: From and To. Then I combined
the selected dates into 1 string for filtering, i.e. ** Me.LDate.Value =
"BETWEEN #" & Me.From.Value & "# AND #" & Me.To.Value & "#" ** and then **
strWhere = "[LoadDate] = " & Me!LDate.Value **
[LoadDate] is the name of the field in query.
In my opinion there is something wrong with my use of syntax, or the way
I am using for transfering parameters between form and query.
Appreciate anyone's help on this subject.
I have a report based on query, which has one date field.
I am using form with combos for filtering report before printing, and all
works fine,- except the date...
When I manualy enter criteria into query, like " between #dd/mm/yy# and
#dd/mm/yy# " it works fine,- but since I need users to choose,- I have split
the Date field on form into 2 text boxes: From and To. Then I combined
the selected dates into 1 string for filtering, i.e. ** Me.LDate.Value =
"BETWEEN #" & Me.From.Value & "# AND #" & Me.To.Value & "#" ** and then **
strWhere = "[LoadDate] = " & Me!LDate.Value **
[LoadDate] is the name of the field in query.
In my opinion there is something wrong with my use of syntax, or the way
I am using for transfering parameters between form and query.
Appreciate anyone's help on this subject.