Hi there,
How can I return records where a date falls between the StartDate and
EndDate of a table.
Group : StartDate : EndDate
A : 01/01/01 : 31/01/01
B : 10/01/01 : 20/01/01
C : 20/01/01 : 25/01/01
i.e: A date of 18/01/01 would return Group A and B, but not C as 18/01/01
does not fall between the StartDate and EndDate of that record.
How can I return records where a date falls between the StartDate and
EndDate of a table.
Group : StartDate : EndDate
A : 01/01/01 : 31/01/01
B : 10/01/01 : 20/01/01
C : 20/01/01 : 25/01/01
i.e: A date of 18/01/01 would return Group A and B, but not C as 18/01/01
does not fall between the StartDate and EndDate of that record.