All employees have their hire date listed. As well as all of the training
history during their employment
I would like to create a report that only shows the training each employee
has taken for the 12 months after their hire month. For Example, I was
hired in January of 2002. The report should only show the training that I
have take from January 07-Dec 07. Next year I will need to see Jan 08 - Dec
08. I don't need to show all the training from previous years.
Help!! And Thank you!!!
history during their employment
I would like to create a report that only shows the training each employee
has taken for the 12 months after their hire month. For Example, I was
hired in January of 2002. The report should only show the training that I
have take from January 07-Dec 07. Next year I will need to see Jan 08 - Dec
08. I don't need to show all the training from previous years.
Help!! And Thank you!!!