Date Difference in Complete Tax Years

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dan
  • Start date Start date


I need to calculate the number of complete UK tax years between two dates e.g.

From: 01/08/1994
To: 01/03/1998
= 2 complete tax years.

This is derived from:
01/08/1994 to 05/04/1995 - Not a complete year therefore ignored
06/04/1995 to 05/04/1996 - Complete tax year therefore counted
06/04/1996 to 05/04/1997 - Complete tax year therefore counted
06/04/1997 to 01/03/2008 - Not a complete year therefore ignored

A tax year runs from 06 April to 05 April the following year.

This is a pretty long-winded explanation of the calc but hopefully it gets
the concept across. Any support would be greatly appreciated.

This formula appears to work:
