Date Diff Formulas



I currently have a datediff formula that calculates lenght of time in care by
comparing DOE field with current date. I Need the formula to automatically
stop counting the months when i enter a date under the closed date field. I
hope i'm being clear.

Douglas J. Steele

Presumably you've currently got something like

DateDiff("d", [OpenDate], Date())

Change that to

DateDiff("d", [OpenDate], Nz([ClosedDate], Date()))

Pat Keller

Assuming 'date closed' is an empty or null field it should be something like:

TimeInCare: iif(DateClosed is

Without knowing your specifics the syntax will need modification, but that's
thegeneral idea.... check for DateClosed and use that if it exists, otherwise
use the current date.



I enter the formula and is not working.

Pat Keller said:
Assuming 'date closed' is an empty or null field it should be something like:

TimeInCare: iif(DateClosed is

Without knowing your specifics the syntax will need modification, but that's
thegeneral idea.... check for DateClosed and use that if it exists, otherwise
use the current date.

Pat Keller

You don't say where you're trying to do this. Are you in Basic, trying to
create a query field? My syntax is query-based and it still depends on the
specific field names you are using. The syntax is different depending on
where you're at. Also - I did not know datediff was a built in function -
you're already using it so I assume you know the syntax. Doug's post is
probably more syntactically accurate for your needs.

John Spencer

Missed arguments in the DateDiff calls. "D" = Days or "M" = months

TimeInCare: iif(DateClosed is

You should know that DateDiff counts the transitions from one date to
another. So you will get a count of 1 if the dates are Jan 31 2008 and
Feb 1 2008. That is you transitioned from Jan to Feb.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County


Yours also workes

Douglas J. Steele said:
Presumably you've currently got something like

DateDiff("d", [OpenDate], Date())

Change that to

DateDiff("d", [OpenDate], Nz([ClosedDate], Date()))

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

Jessica said:
I currently have a datediff formula that calculates lenght of time in care
comparing DOE field with current date. I Need the formula to automatically
stop counting the months when i enter a date under the closed date field.
hope i'm being clear.


Thank you now it works

John Spencer said:
Missed arguments in the DateDiff calls. "D" = Days or "M" = months

TimeInCare: iif(DateClosed is

You should know that DateDiff counts the transitions from one date to
another. So you will get a count of 1 if the dates are Jan 31 2008 and
Feb 1 2008. That is you transitioned from Jan to Feb.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

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