Check out the DateDiff function in Help.
Note that this doesn't always give the results that you seek (for example,
it calculates the difference in years from 12/31/2003 to 1/1/2004 as one
The expression below (courtesy of Van Dinh, ACCESS MVP) uses DateDiff
function with some extra criteria that "fixes" this:
DateDiff("yyyy", [StartDate], [EndDate] + (Format([StartDate], "mmdd") >
Format([EndDate], "mmdd"))
An alternative date difference function (that you would put into a regular
module as a public function) is found on Douglas Steele's web site (Doug
also is an ACCESS MVP):
Ken Snell
René said:
I have a field that I would like to have calculate on the report for the
length of employment. Just need a little formatting info
I currently have the [Start Svc]-[End Svc] this works but prints out in
days ie. 230 etc. How do I make it say years, months etc