Bernie Yaeger
I'm trying to filter rows to a datetime column as it matches to a datetime
column in another table. For example:
For Each irow In dsbnlsum.Tables(0).Select("inv_dt between '" &
(irowd("inv_dt") - 1) & Chr(39) & " and '" & (irowd("inv_dt") + 1) &
(Developed in vb .net, but a basic question for sql server as well.)
Note that I took a datetime column in a table represented by irowd and
overlapped it, so that my datetime column (inv_dt) would be inside the
range. I'm not even sure this will work, but is there a better way? FYI -
inv_dt is often created as Now, so it could be 8/22/2002 5:16pm or
03/18/2001 12:02am, etc.
Tx for any help.
Bernie Yaeger
column in another table. For example:
For Each irow In dsbnlsum.Tables(0).Select("inv_dt between '" &
(irowd("inv_dt") - 1) & Chr(39) & " and '" & (irowd("inv_dt") + 1) &
(Developed in vb .net, but a basic question for sql server as well.)
Note that I took a datetime column in a table represented by irowd and
overlapped it, so that my datetime column (inv_dt) would be inside the
range. I'm not even sure this will work, but is there a better way? FYI -
inv_dt is often created as Now, so it could be 8/22/2002 5:16pm or
03/18/2001 12:02am, etc.
Tx for any help.
Bernie Yaeger