Perhaps, you can use something like the following to get an offset of one
quarter from the dates you enter.
LoggedDate Between DateAdd('m',-3,[StartDate]) AND DateSerial(Year([End Date],
John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Stephanie wrote:
Thanks Karl.
Is there a way to caclulate this without convert to quarter, as that
negatively impacts my query- rather than summary information, it breaks it
out by detail.
But if I could just pass a different data parameter in, something like
[LoggedDate] BETWEEN [StartDate] minus something AND [EndDate] minus
I appreciate your help.
Try this --
SELECT Format([DateField], "q yyyy") AS Quarter, Count([Incidents]) AS
Incident_Count, Sum([Cost]) AS Incident_Cost
FROM YourTable
WHERE [DateField] Between DateAdd("q",-2,(Date()))+1 AND
GROUP BY Format([DateField], "yyyyq");
Thanks, Karl.
I want to say this quarter there are this many incidents at this cost. And
last quarter, there were that many incidents at that cost.
So I want to say from 4/1/2009 to 6/30/2009 there were 5 incidents with a
cost of $1m.
Last quarter from 1/1/2009 to 3/31/2009, there were 4 incidents with a cost
of $20,000.
The reason I brought in the number of days in a month, is I think I can't
just say 6/30/2009 minus 3 months since March has 31 days (even if I knew how
to do that!).
Thanks for your help,
'd like to have a comparison from the previous quarter
How do you want to compare the two quarters? Some number total? You
memtion number of days in a month so do you want daily average of a quarter
compared with the second quarter?
By the way you must pull data from both quarters in order to compare them.
Hi. I am trying to fiure out how to perform a date calculation.
I have parameters:
[LoggedDate] Between CVDate([forms]![frquick]![StartDate]) And
I enter [StartDate] as the beginning of the quarter (4/1/2009) an [EndDate]
as the end of the quarter (6/30/2009).
I'd like to have a comparison from the previous quarter (1/1/2009 to
Is there a date function that I can use to help me calculate this
information, given that each quarter has a different spin (months with 28,
30, 31 days...)